by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,462 views | Reading Time 3:27
New Years is around the corner… do you have your resolutions ready? Are there some burning issues in your heart and mind that you are waiting for January 1st to roll around to begin your journey towards achieving? Are your resolutions for the upcoming year much different than the ones you have routinely put forth […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 3,136 views | Reading Time 3:04
California… trying so hard to do things right. Recently, California passed a bill making texting while driving illegal and now we hear about a bill requiring restaurants to publicly display the calorie counts of their menu items. Once again, Governor Schwarzenegger signed into law a “feel good” law. As with the texting law, the new […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,023 views | Reading Time 3:16
A while back, I wrote an article about the airline industry potentially charging customers based upon their weight. The idea I ran across actually came from a person who used to work at Yahoo and posted a comment about the possibility on his personal blog. Today, I ran across another similar weight based cost issue. […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,157 views | Reading Time 4:57
The other day, I found an intriguing thought/concept posted on Jeremy Zawodny’s personal blog. He poses a question regarding airlines and the concept of charging people ticket prices based upon their weight. Of course the concept was not held in high regards by the majority of his responders but is the theory behind the question […]