by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,518 views | Reading Time 3:22
Political speculators have been trumpeting the expected record voter turnouts for our current Presidential election. After voting today and experiencing the gathered masses of the voting public and hearing extensive reports of the record absentee and early voting periods, I would comfortably say we are going to see an obliteration of the largest total amount […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,996 views | Reading Time 3:20
As I sit here today, less than 24 hours from casting my vote in our Presidential election tomorrow, I have become apathetic. I sit here and wonder how so many of our citizens can be led so blindly as if promised treasures on earth for their vote. I am ashamed of our political process and […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,127 views | Reading Time 2:43
Do you like to think that you are a pretty reasonable individual? Do you view other people as rational individuals who are capable of sifting through facts and potential results while on their way to formulating an opinion or decision? For the most part, everyone attempts to generate an educated decision, guess, or stance given […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,627 views | Reading Time 4:06
Today’s world revolves around information. How often have you heard the phrase “Information is king?” We are taught from a very young age that knowledge is power and information is the key to success. Our current generation has grown up with pathways to information no generation before it had ever dreamed of. We have the […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 3,482 views | Reading Time 4:55
Search the internet for Presidential campaign news and you will immediately find many references coming from the Obama campaign about the “gimmicks” John McCain supports. Obama’s camp portrays McCain’s views on the energy crisis and potential offshore oil drilling as gimmicky. He believes that his opposition has no real answers to the issues. But of […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,064 views | Reading Time 5:02
Since I’m currently enamored with making up words, I thought of another one. As I mentioned in yesterday’s first paragraph, I was struck with an idea while I was writing the article. Voter apathy popped into my mind to talk about and it’s a perfect time with the primaries currently running and the Presidential Election […]