by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,836 views | Reading Time 3:25
We’ve all heard the saying “Mother may I?” either as a child or as a rule-testing teen or young adult. More often than not, the term is spoken with laced sarcasm. Asking for permission is not one of human nature’s greatest traits. We enjoy free will and most of us abuse it by solely focusing […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,695 views | Reading Time 3:00
Now that we have had a few days to digest John McCain’s running mate choice of Sarah Palin as his Vice President, how are you feeling about it? Were you overwhelmed with excitement upon hearing the news? Did you stare at the television in shocked silence wondering who in the world did they just announce […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 3,504 views | Reading Time 4:27
Barack Obama began his Presidential campaign with a singular message, Change. More specifically, Change We Can Believe In. His journey was founded upon portraying himself as the polar opposite of our current governmental strategy and position. He has publicly denounced the Republican Party’s stances and promises to make “things right.” Over the last year or […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 3,482 views | Reading Time 4:55
Search the internet for Presidential campaign news and you will immediately find many references coming from the Obama campaign about the “gimmicks” John McCain supports. Obama’s camp portrays McCain’s views on the energy crisis and potential offshore oil drilling as gimmicky. He believes that his opposition has no real answers to the issues. But of […]
by Robert in Book Reviews | 3,195 views | Reading Time 5:21
Your first inclination may be to ask how tax and fair can be remotely placed in such close proximity. If you ask any segment of our society, they will all explain how they are taxed inappropriately and other classes of our society are receiving better benefits than they currently are. Of course, every class is […]
by Robert in Book Reviews | 2,973 views | Reading Time 4:40
I just finished reading the book “ProBlogger” written by Darren Rowse and Chris Garrett. The book is written to help bloggers learn about the profession and determine if blogging is the right direction to pursue with their time. Darren and Chris have successful blogging businesses and they make their living writing, supporting, and commenting on […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,321 views | Reading Time 5:16
Interesting title for today’s article isn’t it? What exactly does it mean? Well, I’m sure you can figure out that the two words are Conservative and Obama (meaning Barack of course). Whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican, I’m sure you’re wondering why those 2 words are placed together since they are in fact polar […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,064 views | Reading Time 5:02
Since I’m currently enamored with making up words, I thought of another one. As I mentioned in yesterday’s first paragraph, I was struck with an idea while I was writing the article. Voter apathy popped into my mind to talk about and it’s a perfect time with the primaries currently running and the Presidential Election […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 1,811 views | Reading Time 5:00
I noticed a story online the other day regarding a ruling by a federal appeals court that got me to thinking. The ruling determined that the US Treasury was violating the law with the current monetary notes. Now, I don’t know the complete history of our paper currency in how it was designed and created, […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,680 views | Reading Time 3:48
Are we ready for some Political Beef? I know it can be a polarizing subject, but this one isn’t going to be an article asking to choose a side in the sense of Democrat versus Republican. This particular beef is going to be about something that to me makes me want to pull my hair […]