Posts Tagged ‘Toyota’

Aug 21

Competition Equality

by in Everyday Nonsense | 3,063 views | Reading Time 4:28

Earlier this week, I ran across a story detailing a recent cheating episode within race car driving, specifically NASCAR. Seriously… as if there were any doubt whatsoever as to that fact. Cheating is rampant among all of our competition sports. I’ve written previous articles about athletes utilizing performance enhancing drugs to keep up with their […]

Aug 1

Monopoly Money

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,480 views | Reading Time 3:33

Today, General Motors (GM) and Ford released disheartening news regarding their vehicle manufacturing operations. GM reported a net loss of $15.5 Billion for the second quarter of this year. Ford followed that with a report stating their overall United States vehicle sales dropped 14.9% in July. Even Toyota joined the crowd reporting a drop of […]