by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,679 views | Reading Time 2:49
Over the last 10-20 years, something has changed in our country’s way of thinking. People at one point in time, were able to enter into rational debates without seeing them careen off into an ideological slugfest with no chance of compromise from either side. Today, our society seems to be hell-bent on winning everything, no […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,401 views | Reading Time 2:26
Our justice system is one of our country’s most defining achievements, but should we be happy with its current state? Throughout our past, lawmakers have tried to institute fairness within our legal system and protect the rights of the individual. The simple fact and idea that everyone is innocent until proven guilty provides a sense […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,157 views | Reading Time 5:27
Taking a much different path than the last couple of articles, today, I am going to discuss the crime of murder and the associated punishments put forth by the United States and Canada. If you have watched the news over the past week, I’m sure you’ve heard of the horrific murder recently in Canada. To […]
by Robert in Product Rants | 2,868 views | Reading Time 3:52
Cell phones, we love them, we hate them. They are everywhere. Family plans, text plans, and data plans. Can we go anywhere anymore without the incessant sounds of annoying ring tones, message indicators, and fantastic flashing light displays? The cell phone, or more justly called at this point, the personal data assistant (PDA), has come […]
by Robert in Movie Reviews | 3,013 views | Reading Time 5:20
Recently, a new movie came out on DVD called “Meet Bill.” It was an odd movie to say the least. It featured a mentor, Bill, in the middle of some very precarious life situations. Bill becomes a little unglued and during this time, he happens to be signed up to be part of a mentoring […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 1,967 views | Reading Time 4:56
Tolerance, it’s a big word. It implies many things and it gets thrown around a lot when there are differing points of view. Tolerate. What exactly does that mean? Basically it means to allow or put up with something that you don’t agree with in some way. That’s fine, I know everyone is different and […]
by Robert in Product Rants | 3,140 views | Reading Time 4:03
It’s time for my first product rant. As you will see, this will be like my other articles, about something, but not really about something. It’s about viewing things from an alternate perspective and thinking outside the preconceived notions that the powers that be assume we adhere to. Recently, game developer Infinity Ward added new […]