by Robert in Book Reviews | 3,195 views | Reading Time 5:21
Your first inclination may be to ask how tax and fair can be remotely placed in such close proximity. If you ask any segment of our society, they will all explain how they are taxed inappropriately and other classes of our society are receiving better benefits than they currently are. Of course, every class is […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 1,967 views | Reading Time 4:56
Tolerance, it’s a big word. It implies many things and it gets thrown around a lot when there are differing points of view. Tolerate. What exactly does that mean? Basically it means to allow or put up with something that you don’t agree with in some way. That’s fine, I know everyone is different and […]
by Robert in Television Ramblings | 3,200 views | Reading Time 2:39
I was sitting here trying to think of something interesting to type about today and I saw that Television Ramblings needed its first entry. Here it comes! I’m not sure if most of you out there have seen or even heard of it, but the NBC Today Show (which is a news/information program) recently added […]