Posts Tagged ‘Time’

Sep 29

California Texting

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,120 views | Reading Time 2:56

Text while driving in California and you may be looking at red and blue lights in your mirror. Yes, those “terrible” glowing orbs of a police car signaling you to pull over. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has recently signed a bill which makes texting while driving illegal. California drivers will no longer be able to actively […]

Sep 23

Text Invasion

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,049 views | Reading Time 2:40

Does it annoy you when a cell phone rings during a meeting? How about someone knocking on your door while you are in a closed door meeting? Do annoying teenagers ruin your movie experience with silly ringtones and text message alerts? Does it bother you when you are at church and other members are fumbling […]

Aug 29

You’ve Been Screened

by in Everyday Nonsense | 1,916 views | Reading Time 3:01

Do you screen your phone calls? How about email? Do you even screen the knocks on your door? Sure, if you’re reading this and you’re not 5 years old, I will bet money that you have chosen to screen someone in each and every one of the above situations. There are untold instances where we […]

Aug 26

Volume Cheating

by in Everyday Nonsense | 1,980 views | Reading Time 4:33

Are you really getting the amount of gas you have purchased each time you go to the gas station? We all like to think so. I ran across a story detailing maintenance checks on gas pumps throughout our country and it leaves a gaping hole which we could be paying for. How can we ever […]

Aug 20

Electric Car Savings

by in Everyday Nonsense | 3,716 views | Reading Time 5:06

Everyone has felt the pinch of the extreme energy costs in their wallets and budgets over the last few years and we have been inundated with theoretical new technologies that can help provide alternative power sources for our vehicles in an effort to de-emphasize our demand for foreign oil imports. Nothing new, just a new […]

Aug 19

Mind Control

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,700 views | Reading Time 4:33

I’m in control of my mind, aren’t you? After discussing body language the other day, maybe we aren’t exactly in such complete control as we like to think. I’ve ran across an interesting study who’s findings show that reading books have similar effects on the mind as watching television. We all know of the perceived […]

Aug 18

Past Affecting Present

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,719 views | Reading Time 4:01

Mark Twain, one of our greatest American writers, was quoted as saying, “Happy is he who forgets (ignores?) what cannot be changed.” Mark Twain, or by the real name Samuel Clemens, lived from 1835-1910. Not really all that long ago, but his simple statement has long lasting meaning. He realized that people must release the […]

Aug 15

My Inner Economist

by in Book Reviews | 2,380 views | Reading Time 4:35

Being an economist at heart, I recently bought and have just finished reading the book “Discover Your Inner Economist” by Tyler Cowen. The tagline for the book proudly states, “Use Incentives to Fall in Love, Survive Your Next Meeting, and Motivate Your Dentist.” Along with the tagline, there is a great media byte on the […]

Aug 14

Subliminal Motivators

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,118 views | Reading Time 4:00

Can advertising make you do things? Can you make people think and do things by simple body language? Two simple questions and initially you may think the answer is no. You may think you are aware of advertising and the associated implicit goals, therefore you are making up your own mind whether to purchase a […]

Aug 5

Fake Wealth

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,142 views | Reading Time 4:49

Everyone loves a pay raise. We automatically get excited because with the arrival of that next paycheck, we will immediately see an increase in purchasing power. On top of that, we fill up with pride knowing that we are being rewarded for our hard work, production, and efficiency while performing our job. Sounds great doesn’t […]