by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 11,969 views | Reading Time 3:29
Over the years, I’ve facetiously threatened my wife that I was intent on becoming a fully fledged smoker. Of course I don’t really mean it… I’m just venting my frustration about smoking in general and how a personal habit affects the many people around their “everything revolves around their single planet universe.” I understand addictions, […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 5,498 views | Reading Time 2:39
In the midst of my daily reading the other day, I ran across an article stating that Americans are becoming less religious. At first glance, that revelation seemingly goes against the values that our country has long held close to our hearts. We have been a proud Christian nation since our inception. The latest news […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,496 views | Reading Time 2:59
Ever have a meeting about a meeting or make a plan to make a plan? Do you ever find yourself having the same conversations with people time and again going over the procedures of how to move forward but you always end up in the same position you were in before even opening your mouth? […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,157 views | Reading Time 2:55
For anyone who knows me, they can attest to the fact that I’m an all or nothing kind of guy. I’m either all in, or all out. Rarely do I enter into anything and not give my best effort. That is my standard of commitment… what is yours? Do you place any value upon the commitments […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,438 views | Reading Time 3:27
New Years is around the corner… do you have your resolutions ready? Are there some burning issues in your heart and mind that you are waiting for January 1st to roll around to begin your journey towards achieving? Are your resolutions for the upcoming year much different than the ones you have routinely put forth […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,055 views | Reading Time 2:43
That time of year is arriving at breakneck speed… it’s almost time to set some New Year’s resolutions. Are you a resolution maker? Are you a person who “turns over a new leaf” each and every January 1st? Does the calendar turning over to a new year carry significance in your life? Or is it […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,269 views | Reading Time 2:55
Through the years, I’ve heard people talk about how much money they would need to retire. I’ve heard retirement specialists inform clients that they would need upwards of 80% of their maximum yearly income to survive retirement comfortably. I’ve heard people can’t expect to retire without a million in the bank. I’ve heard lots of […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,608 views | Reading Time 3:46
This week, I was given an opportunity to experience the fruits of our scholastic tax dollars at work while sitting my obligatory half an hour at the DMV in an effort to renew my license to drive. Yes, I said “scholastic” tax dollars… Why would I say that you may ask? Well, let me inform […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,003 views | Reading Time 2:48
Following up on my promise I made in yesterday’s article, I am faithfully writing about another misuse (in my opinion) of our judicial and law enforcement time. To be honest, I truly believed my promise would not be fulfilled for at least a couple of days. Little did I know that it would be less […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 3,107 views | Reading Time 3:04
California… trying so hard to do things right. Recently, California passed a bill making texting while driving illegal and now we hear about a bill requiring restaurants to publicly display the calorie counts of their menu items. Once again, Governor Schwarzenegger signed into law a “feel good” law. As with the texting law, the new […]