Posts Tagged ‘Technology’

Oct 7

Smart Key

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,122 views | Reading Time 3:20

Ford has announced several of their 2010 vehicle models will include technology which can “govern” the vehicle’s top speed by setting a limit of 80 miles per hour (mph). The technology comes in the form of a computer chip which resides in the key utilized for ignition. Along with capping the speed limit, warning tones […]

Sep 29

California Texting

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,120 views | Reading Time 2:56

Text while driving in California and you may be looking at red and blue lights in your mirror. Yes, those “terrible” glowing orbs of a police car signaling you to pull over. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has recently signed a bill which makes texting while driving illegal. California drivers will no longer be able to actively […]

Sep 23

Text Invasion

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,050 views | Reading Time 2:40

Does it annoy you when a cell phone rings during a meeting? How about someone knocking on your door while you are in a closed door meeting? Do annoying teenagers ruin your movie experience with silly ringtones and text message alerts? Does it bother you when you are at church and other members are fumbling […]

Aug 28

Fuel Consumption Future

by in Everyday Nonsense | 3,201 views | Reading Time 3:45

Fuel consumption, gas prices, energy creation, and green house gases are just a few of our hot topic issues these days. We are all worried about the costs at the pump, our demand for oil, our environmental issues from burning fuel, and also the costs associated with heating our houses during fall and winter. Researchers, […]

Aug 27

Informed Society

by in Political Beefs | 2,627 views | Reading Time 4:06

Today’s world revolves around information. How often have you heard the phrase “Information is king?” We are taught from a very young age that knowledge is power and information is the key to success. Our current generation has grown up with pathways to information no generation before it had ever dreamed of. We have the […]

Aug 25

Change Of Message

by in Political Beefs | 3,503 views | Reading Time 4:27

Barack Obama began his Presidential campaign with a singular message, Change. More specifically, Change We Can Believe In. His journey was founded upon portraying himself as the polar opposite of our current governmental strategy and position. He has publicly denounced the Republican Party’s stances and promises to make “things right.” Over the last year or […]

Aug 21

Competition Equality

by in Everyday Nonsense | 3,063 views | Reading Time 4:28

Earlier this week, I ran across a story detailing a recent cheating episode within race car driving, specifically NASCAR. Seriously… as if there were any doubt whatsoever as to that fact. Cheating is rampant among all of our competition sports. I’ve written previous articles about athletes utilizing performance enhancing drugs to keep up with their […]

Aug 20

Electric Car Savings

by in Everyday Nonsense | 3,716 views | Reading Time 5:06

Everyone has felt the pinch of the extreme energy costs in their wallets and budgets over the last few years and we have been inundated with theoretical new technologies that can help provide alternative power sources for our vehicles in an effort to de-emphasize our demand for foreign oil imports. Nothing new, just a new […]

Aug 13

The Gimmick Man

by in Political Beefs | 3,482 views | Reading Time 4:55

Search the internet for Presidential campaign news and you will immediately find many references coming from the Obama campaign about the “gimmicks” John McCain supports. Obama’s camp portrays McCain’s views on the energy crisis and potential offshore oil drilling as gimmicky. He believes that his opposition has no real answers to the issues. But of […]

Jul 29

Cell Phone Courtesy

by in Product Rants | 2,868 views | Reading Time 3:52

Cell phones, we love them, we hate them. They are everywhere. Family plans, text plans, and data plans. Can we go anywhere anymore without the incessant sounds of annoying ring tones, message indicators, and fantastic flashing light displays? The cell phone, or more justly called at this point, the personal data assistant (PDA), has come […]