by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,678 views | Reading Time 3:41
Taxes, we all abhor them, but we absolutely love to hear the words “Tax Cut.” Government, we shake in our boots at the thought of it growing even larger in our lives, but we love to hear the words “Universal Health Care, Social Security, and yes, even Welfare.” Rights, we love the idea that our […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,022 views | Reading Time 3:16
A while back, I wrote an article about the airline industry potentially charging customers based upon their weight. The idea I ran across actually came from a person who used to work at Yahoo and posted a comment about the possibility on his personal blog. Today, I ran across another similar weight based cost issue. […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 3,504 views | Reading Time 4:27
Barack Obama began his Presidential campaign with a singular message, Change. More specifically, Change We Can Believe In. His journey was founded upon portraying himself as the polar opposite of our current governmental strategy and position. He has publicly denounced the Republican Party’s stances and promises to make “things right.” Over the last year or […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,475 views | Reading Time 4:53
Americans received a “gift” from the government recently in the form of a stimulus check. Or, some people may like to think of it as a tax rebate or tax refund. It doesn’t matter what you call it, the fact is most Americans who filed taxes for 2007, received a stimulus check from our government. […]
by Robert in Book Reviews | 3,195 views | Reading Time 5:21
Your first inclination may be to ask how tax and fair can be remotely placed in such close proximity. If you ask any segment of our society, they will all explain how they are taxed inappropriately and other classes of our society are receiving better benefits than they currently are. Of course, every class is […]