by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 6,467 views | Reading Time 3:06
How normal do you think you are? How normal do you think I am? Do you think anyone you know is actually normal? The real question may actually revolve around what normal actually means. Our current world’s perception of what is acceptable as the norm is probably in a different galaxy from what people thought […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,236 views | Reading Time 3:01
Have you ever been asked for help by someone but that person really didn’t mean it? I see two distinct variations of this statement. Number one, I see people ask for help and never utilize that help. It’s almost a situation where they want it to look as if they are involving others but in […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,520 views | Reading Time 2:59
Ever have a meeting about a meeting or make a plan to make a plan? Do you ever find yourself having the same conversations with people time and again going over the procedures of how to move forward but you always end up in the same position you were in before even opening your mouth? […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,432 views | Reading Time 2:50
As we begin a new year, most of the resolutions that we make involve some sense of competition. Whether that competition is against an individual, a group, or even yourself, we begin a journey that will result in either a success or failure… or tie. Remove the recent resolutions we have made, and we are […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,082 views | Reading Time 2:43
That time of year is arriving at breakneck speed… it’s almost time to set some New Year’s resolutions. Are you a resolution maker? Are you a person who “turns over a new leaf” each and every January 1st? Does the calendar turning over to a new year carry significance in your life? Or is it […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,509 views | Reading Time 3:24
As our national economy continues to crumble and contract, our nation’s citizens could be facing a new age, an age of minimalism. Our country has been proud to have garnered the labels of the number one economy in the world, the leader of the free market, and the only country where if you worked hard […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,836 views | Reading Time 3:25
We’ve all heard the saying “Mother may I?” either as a child or as a rule-testing teen or young adult. More often than not, the term is spoken with laced sarcasm. Asking for permission is not one of human nature’s greatest traits. We enjoy free will and most of us abuse it by solely focusing […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,627 views | Reading Time 4:06
Today’s world revolves around information. How often have you heard the phrase “Information is king?” We are taught from a very young age that knowledge is power and information is the key to success. Our current generation has grown up with pathways to information no generation before it had ever dreamed of. We have the […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 3,062 views | Reading Time 4:28
Earlier this week, I ran across a story detailing a recent cheating episode within race car driving, specifically NASCAR. Seriously… as if there were any doubt whatsoever as to that fact. Cheating is rampant among all of our competition sports. I’ve written previous articles about athletes utilizing performance enhancing drugs to keep up with their […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,118 views | Reading Time 4:00
Can advertising make you do things? Can you make people think and do things by simple body language? Two simple questions and initially you may think the answer is no. You may think you are aware of advertising and the associated implicit goals, therefore you are making up your own mind whether to purchase a […]