Posts Tagged ‘Statistic’

Mar 5

Political Aspirations

by in Political Beefs | 8,571 views | Reading Time 2:55

Some people grow up wanting to be doctors, others want to be firefighters, and even some hope to join the military to serve our country. These are but a few of the job fields our young people believe they want to join when they grow up. When we are young, we focus on the jobs […]

Jan 9

Un-Accidental Accidents

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,537 views | Reading Time 2:45

We all like to think that most of the bad things that happen to us and the world are true “accidents.” Accidents meaning that unforeseen circumstances come together in some random reality causing some drastic event to occur that should not have occurred in our normal lives… an accident… a fluke… or simply bad karma. […]

Nov 30

Spend While You Got It

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,862 views | Reading Time 3:41

Over the last few months, when we were treated with economic distress reports or bailout packages, the common denominator was the valuation term of billions. Billions of dollars here, billions of dollars there, billions upon billions of necessary dollars required to rescue our nation’s failing financial industry, our nation’s car industry, and our nation’s housing […]

Oct 7

Smart Key

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,122 views | Reading Time 3:20

Ford has announced several of their 2010 vehicle models will include technology which can “govern” the vehicle’s top speed by setting a limit of 80 miles per hour (mph). The technology comes in the form of a computer chip which resides in the key utilized for ignition. Along with capping the speed limit, warning tones […]

Sep 2

Insurance Weight

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,023 views | Reading Time 3:16

A while back, I wrote an article about the airline industry potentially charging customers based upon their weight. The idea I ran across actually came from a person who used to work at Yahoo and posted a comment about the possibility on his personal blog. Today, I ran across another similar weight based cost issue. […]

Aug 8

Stimulus Effect

by in Political Beefs | 2,475 views | Reading Time 4:53

Americans received a “gift” from the government recently in the form of a stimulus check. Or, some people may like to think of it as a tax rebate or tax refund. It doesn’t matter what you call it, the fact is most Americans who filed taxes for 2007, received a stimulus check from our government. […]

Aug 7

Unemployment Rates

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,241 views | Reading Time 3:36

Recently, the government released the latest unemployment statistics and the numbers were not good. Currently, our nation has an unemployment rate of 5.7% (economists were expecting 5.6%). This was the seventh straight month of increasing unemployment and it is also a 4 year high. These are not good statistics considering the rising costs of living […]

Aug 6

Tire Pressure Oil Savings

by in Everyday Nonsense | 3,390 views | Reading Time 5:00

Barack Obama has recently been touting that Americans can decrease our dependence upon oil by driving on correctly pressurized tires and also by up keeping our car via regular maintenance. Is it too good to be true? Or, is this just another scam such as the fuel additives that “increase” gas mileage and the like? […]

Aug 5

Fake Wealth

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,142 views | Reading Time 4:49

Everyone loves a pay raise. We automatically get excited because with the arrival of that next paycheck, we will immediately see an increase in purchasing power. On top of that, we fill up with pride knowing that we are being rewarded for our hard work, production, and efficiency while performing our job. Sounds great doesn’t […]

May 17


by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,048 views | Reading Time 5:03

Yep, I just created a new word. I like to think I’m pretty good at inventing new words. That sounds like a great accomplishment in itself doesn’t it? Not really, sometimes I just like to pat myself on the back. Anyway, what in the world is lameistics and what could I possibly have to say […]