by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 5,551 views | Reading Time 2:39
In the midst of my daily reading the other day, I ran across an article stating that Americans are becoming less religious. At first glance, that revelation seemingly goes against the values that our country has long held close to our hearts. We have been a proud Christian nation since our inception. The latest news […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,838 views | Reading Time 2:30
Do you think people can truly change? Do you fear change? Are we simply who we are until the end? Is the appearance of change only a thin veil of disguise we pull over our appearances to make a false reality for others to see… and believe? What do you think? Personally, I believe in […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 4,839 views | Reading Time 2:55
How often do you judge others? How often do you condemn the actions of those you barely know? How often do you look down on the people you know when they fail to meet the higher standards you apply to them? How often do you judge… and not judge yourself? My faith tells me that […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,659 views | Reading Time 3:07
What makes you different than your competitors? What qualities about you or your product makes you stand out? How do you promote these traits, factors, or values in a manner in which you retain your integrity? How do you market yourself with a positive attitude while staying true to your ethical business standards and practices? […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 13,024 views | Reading Time 3:10
We all relish the times when our personal pride bucket becomes full and overflowing… our egos grow exponentially as a result of the overwhelming fullness of ourselves. Many people fill a void in their life by focusing on growing their pride and associated ego. Some do it knowingly while others do it just because they […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,183 views | Reading Time 2:55
For anyone who knows me, they can attest to the fact that I’m an all or nothing kind of guy. I’m either all in, or all out. Rarely do I enter into anything and not give my best effort. That is my standard of commitment… what is yours? Do you place any value upon the commitments […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,263 views | Reading Time 2:58
Our language includes a pair of words which when paired together and spoken aloud create a very significant physical response from people. Those two words are “Excuse me.” The problem is how often are those two words uttered from the mouths of our increasingly rude society? And even when they are spoken, many times they […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,289 views | Reading Time 2:55
Through the years, I’ve heard people talk about how much money they would need to retire. I’ve heard retirement specialists inform clients that they would need upwards of 80% of their maximum yearly income to survive retirement comfortably. I’ve heard people can’t expect to retire without a million in the bank. I’ve heard lots of […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,452 views | Reading Time 2:34
At times in my life, I have thought that maybe, just maybe, all of the ideas about “how to make money utilizing the latest gimmick” had been mined and thoroughly beaten to a pulp. I’m not talking about new inventions or ideas, I’m talking about the “how to” books you see that continually appear on […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,628 views | Reading Time 3:46
This week, I was given an opportunity to experience the fruits of our scholastic tax dollars at work while sitting my obligatory half an hour at the DMV in an effort to renew my license to drive. Yes, I said “scholastic” tax dollars… Why would I say that you may ask? Well, let me inform […]