Posts Tagged ‘Retirement’

Mar 9

Wealthy Credit

by in Everyday Nonsense | 5,761 views | Reading Time 3:24

Another day, another drop in the DJIA… this is the reality even after several news sites were pushing articles about a potential run-up in the stock market because they believed we had hit the theoretical market floor. It was a good idea… or ploy considering they had the entire weekend to try and magically conjure […]

Feb 2

Main Street or Wall Street

by in Everyday Nonsense | 3,106 views | Reading Time 3:25

As we fall deeper into our current recession, we hear on a daily basis various reports about Wall Street and how corporate earnings are failing to meet expectations. Amazing right? Are the stock owners and corporate accountants that far removed from the society you and I are living in? A simple fact finding expedition through […]

Dec 20

Pay For Less

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,566 views | Reading Time 3:30

We all know how scarce jobs are becoming and we all know how the market works when there is an oversupply of product compared to consistent demand… prices drop. What happens when the labor market is flooded with experienced workers and the job market dries up because of the abundance of potential workers? Do employers […]

Dec 10

Retirement Dollars

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,290 views | Reading Time 2:55

Through the years, I’ve heard people talk about how much money they would need to retire. I’ve heard retirement specialists inform clients that they would need upwards of 80% of their maximum yearly income to survive retirement comfortably. I’ve heard people can’t expect to retire without a million in the bank. I’ve heard lots of […]

Nov 30

Spend While You Got It

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,862 views | Reading Time 3:41

Over the last few months, when we were treated with economic distress reports or bailout packages, the common denominator was the valuation term of billions. Billions of dollars here, billions of dollars there, billions upon billions of necessary dollars required to rescue our nation’s failing financial industry, our nation’s car industry, and our nation’s housing […]

Oct 10

Fear & Volatility

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,629 views | Reading Time 3:15

Over the last month, our financial markets have been crumbling before our eyes. Stock market losses have decimated retirement accounts, bank failures have completely seized our credit markets, and our housing decline has incinerated the equity of millions of American families. The adjectives used to describe these occurrences – crumbling, decimated, seized, incinerated – pale […]

Oct 9

Outside The Box

by in Everyday Nonsense | 1,977 views | Reading Time 3:23

Given our current economic downturn and with little hope for a quick fix to our financial market issues, let’s spend some time thinking completely outside the box. Now, this is all hypothetical and includes some political underpinnings of some “not so great” ideologies, but go with me on this short journey and let’s hear what […]

Sep 25

Bail Us Out

by in Political Beefs | 3,813 views | Reading Time 3:12

To bailout or not to bailout, that is the question. We’ve been inundated over the last week with words such as bailout, meltdown, Wall Street versus Main Street, foreclosures, economic crisis, and even the most dastardly economic terms known to the financial man… recession or even, (say it with a low voice, we don’t want […]

Jul 9

Assembly Line Employees

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,528 views | Reading Time 5:22

In the article titled “Shortweek,” I brought up a theory about the current state of treatment of employees throughout our country. I stated, “Employee satisfaction and morale usually isn’t the number one thing on management’s minds these days.” While it is a pretty broad statement and there are many people who are being treated very […]

Jun 10

Scared of Retirement

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,465 views | Reading Time 4:30

Today’s article is going to focus on something we all hope to do in our life and about how some people are actually scared of the thought. Retirement, it is some people’s dream and in turn, some people’s nightmare. How can that be? I always thought retirement was the goal of all young adult workers. […]