Posts Tagged ‘Respect’

Nov 28

Like Yeah

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,628 views | Reading Time 3:46

This week, I was given an opportunity to experience the fruits of our scholastic tax dollars at work while sitting my obligatory half an hour at the DMV in an effort to renew my license to drive. Yes, I said “scholastic” tax dollars… Why would I say that you may ask? Well, let me inform […]

Nov 5

First Rock Star President

by in Political Beefs | 2,852 views | Reading Time 2:57

Today marks the first time in American history that we have elected a rock star for President. In our past, we have elected war heroes, great public speakers, men with great ideals for our country, and we have even elected men who were previously known as actors. Now we can add to this distinguished list, […]

Oct 22

Pampered Attitude

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,149 views | Reading Time 3:05

We all like to feel pampered… it makes us feel special and wanted. Pampering feeds our human need of appreciation. If we do not feel appreciated by those we are in contact with, we are likely to resent them. Resentment is a disease that will destroy any relationship over the long term with very little […]

Oct 15

Criminal Action Extended

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,019 views | Reading Time 2:48

Following up on my promise I made in yesterday’s article, I am faithfully writing about another misuse (in my opinion) of our judicial and law enforcement time. To be honest, I truly believed my promise would not be fulfilled for at least a couple of days. Little did I know that it would be less […]

Oct 8

We Paid For It

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,636 views | Reading Time 2:49

As our government continues to try and rescue our nation’s financial markets in an effort to prevent a horrific economic freefall, we hear about one of the most outrageous and heinous uses of taxpayer money yet. AIG, a company our government deemed necessary of bailing out with federal funds, received an $85 Billion loan recently […]

Oct 6

Unprofessional Conduct

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,236 views | Reading Time 2:50

Once we reach a certain age or position in life, our society, family, and friends expect us to carry ourselves with a level of integrity and dignity. Simply put, people expect us to conduct ourselves in a professional manner. Yes, we can still let our unbridled childlike passion exist when out of the office or […]

Sep 23

Text Invasion

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,049 views | Reading Time 2:40

Does it annoy you when a cell phone rings during a meeting? How about someone knocking on your door while you are in a closed door meeting? Do annoying teenagers ruin your movie experience with silly ringtones and text message alerts? Does it bother you when you are at church and other members are fumbling […]

Sep 22

Debate Destruction

by in Political Beefs | 2,679 views | Reading Time 2:49

Over the last 10-20 years, something has changed in our country’s way of thinking. People at one point in time, were able to enter into rational debates without seeing them careen off into an ideological slugfest with no chance of compromise from either side. Today, our society seems to be hell-bent on winning everything, no […]

Sep 12

Integrity Sold

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,348 views | Reading Time 2:37

We have all seen the commercials on television, in print, and online featuring precious events or heartfelt moments rightfully labeled as “priceless.” But, is there really anything that doesn’t have a price on it in our world today? Take anything you can possibly think of and I’m sure that you and I, rational individuals, can […]

Sep 10

Attack Mentality

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,508 views | Reading Time 3:46

Over the past few decades, it appears that the American demeanor has been migrating towards an attack mentality. To be more specific, people are becoming more likely to instantaneously flip the switch to defensive attack measures rather than completely hear an opposition idea, thought, statement, or suggestion. Personally, I see this within myself at times […]