Posts Tagged ‘Respect’

Mar 26

Earn Your Vote

by in Political Beefs | 7,601 views | Reading Time 3:19

Quite often I get myself involved in thought provoking debates with various people in my life. These debates spur spontaneous thought and non-conventional thinking. Along with pushing our mind’s eye to view conflicts or deep seated points of view differently, good ideas are formed from having healthy debates about tough issues. In the past, I’ve […]

Mar 21

Online Persona

by in Everyday Nonsense | 6,068 views | Reading Time 2:46

Growing up, I’m sure you heard the term “liquid courage” or “telephone tough guy” thrown around to describe certain people. Of course, these people are those who act like they are tough when they have a few drinks in them or are on the other end of a phone and not within any immediate danger […]

Mar 19

Normal Am I

by in Everyday Nonsense | 6,467 views | Reading Time 3:06

How normal do you think you are? How normal do you think I am? Do you think anyone you know is actually normal? The real question may actually revolve around what normal actually means. Our current world’s perception of what is acceptable as the norm is probably in a different galaxy from what people thought […]

Feb 27

Trickle Down

by in Everyday Nonsense | 3,102 views | Reading Time 3:00

Ever wonder if what you say or do affects anyone? I’m sure most, if not all, people believe their life does in fact impact the lives of those around them, but how much? Do you think that only the most important statements or things you have done mean the most in how others interact with […]

Feb 15

Veils of Deception

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,838 views | Reading Time 2:30

Do you think people can truly change? Do you fear change? Are we simply who we are until the end? Is the appearance of change only a thin veil of disguise we pull over our appearances to make a false reality for others to see… and believe? What do you think? Personally, I believe in […]

Feb 1

Differentiation Integrity

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,659 views | Reading Time 3:07

What makes you different than your competitors? What qualities about you or your product makes you stand out? How do you promote these traits, factors, or values in a manner in which you retain your integrity? How do you market yourself with a positive attitude while staying true to your ethical business standards and practices? […]

Jan 25

Unconscious Deposit

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,664 views | Reading Time 3:02

I was involved in a discussion about relationships that broke out at work a few days ago. The ideology of a “Love Bank” and making deposits came about while we talked about several themes from various flavors of relationship self help books. One of the main ideas is that people should focus on the things […]

Jan 5

Standard of Commitment

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,182 views | Reading Time 2:55

For anyone who knows me, they can attest to the fact that I’m an all or nothing kind of guy. I’m either all in, or all out. Rarely do I enter into anything and not give my best effort. That is my standard of commitment… what is yours? Do you place any value upon the commitments […]

Jan 3

I Compete Against

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,432 views | Reading Time 2:50

As we begin a new year, most of the resolutions that we make involve some sense of competition. Whether that competition is against an individual, a group, or even yourself, we begin a journey that will result in either a success or failure… or tie. Remove the recent resolutions we have made, and we are […]

Dec 14

Excuse Me Works

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,263 views | Reading Time 2:58

Our language includes a pair of words which when paired together and spoken aloud create a very significant physical response from people. Those two words are “Excuse me.” The problem is how often are those two words uttered from the mouths of our increasingly rude society? And even when they are spoken, many times they […]