Posts Tagged ‘Republican’

Jul 15

Satirical Dumbness

by in Political Beefs | 3,139 views | Reading Time 5:06

As always, I began my day yesterday surfing the news and ran across something provocative to write about. The New Yorker magazine published its latest issue with a “satirical” caricature on the front cover. If you haven’t heard or seen it yet, it’s a depiction of Barack Obama with his wife Michelle in an unappealing […]

Jul 10

Mouthacity Redux

by in Political Beefs | 3,237 views | Reading Time 5:14

At the end of May, I wrote an article explaining a new term I invented, “mouthacity.” If you haven’t had a chance to read it, I suggest you go check it out. Today’s article is “Part 2” with some of the latest events involving people in the media saying things that should not be said. […]

Jul 4


by in Political Beefs | 2,321 views | Reading Time 5:16

Interesting title for today’s article isn’t it? What exactly does it mean? Well, I’m sure you can figure out that the two words are Conservative and Obama (meaning Barack of course). Whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican, I’m sure you’re wondering why those 2 words are placed together since they are in fact polar […]

Jun 19

Defense of Self

by in Political Beefs | 2,566 views | Reading Time 4:55

Since yesterday’s article focused on the right to keep and bear arms, I am going to go one step farther and focus on the right to carry a concealed weapon. Currently, 48 of our 50 states allow some form of concealed carry for personal protection (Illinois and Wisconsin are the remaining two along with the […]

May 26


by in Political Beefs | 2,064 views | Reading Time 5:02

Since I’m currently enamored with making up words, I thought of another one. As I mentioned in yesterday’s first paragraph, I was struck with an idea while I was writing the article. Voter apathy popped into my mind to talk about and it’s a perfect time with the primaries currently running and the Presidential Election […]

May 2

Best Left Unsaid

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,647 views | Reading Time 4:29

Today, in a public forum I read, I came across a statement that to me was offensive. As the article title suggests, it was most definitely a comment best left unsaid. The sad thing about it is I’ve heard this statement before, in various formats and configurations. It makes me wonder if the average person […]

Apr 25

Super Delegates Huh

by in Political Beefs | 2,680 views | Reading Time 3:48

Are we ready for some Political Beef? I know it can be a polarizing subject, but this one isn’t going to be an article asking to choose a side in the sense of Democrat versus Republican. This particular beef is going to be about something that to me makes me want to pull my hair […]