Posts Tagged ‘Relationship’

May 15


by in Everyday Nonsense | 12,614 views | Reading Time 4:29

Yes, that is not a word and I meant for it to be that way. As you might think, I like to do things a little different than the norm. Today’s article is going to be about a commercial my wife brought to my attention. I guess you can say I’ve had a little influence […]

May 9

Roles of Models

by in Everyday Nonsense | 1,909 views | Reading Time 4:49

What in the world is this article going to be about, super models? No, definitely not. What I want to talk about is from a suggestion I received the other day. What is my point of view on celebrity and athletic role models? I gave a short answer in the suggestion comments, but I wanted […]

May 6

Stay at Home

by in Everyday Nonsense | 1,788 views | Reading Time 4:37

Ok, since yesterday’s article focused on a married couple living a normal American dream life and how they are continually falling deeper in debt, I left off with a question. Could the family be better off if only one adult worked? Like I said, I haven’t done the math, but I am very skeptical and […]