Posts Tagged ‘Rational’

Dec 14

Excuse Me Works

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,242 views | Reading Time 2:58

Our language includes a pair of words which when paired together and spoken aloud create a very significant physical response from people. Those two words are “Excuse me.” The problem is how often are those two words uttered from the mouths of our increasingly rude society? And even when they are spoken, many times they […]

Dec 10

Retirement Dollars

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,269 views | Reading Time 2:55

Through the years, I’ve heard people talk about how much money they would need to retire. I’ve heard retirement specialists inform clients that they would need upwards of 80% of their maximum yearly income to survive retirement comfortably. I’ve heard people can’t expect to retire without a million in the bank. I’ve heard lots of […]

Nov 30

Spend While You Got It

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,844 views | Reading Time 3:41

Over the last few months, when we were treated with economic distress reports or bailout packages, the common denominator was the valuation term of billions. Billions of dollars here, billions of dollars there, billions upon billions of necessary dollars required to rescue our nation’s failing financial industry, our nation’s car industry, and our nation’s housing […]

Nov 29

Borders Open

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,408 views | Reading Time 3:27

Immigration… it’s such a touchy subject. While it may not be on the same social level to some as abortion or gay marriage, in some parts of our country, it is the dominant issue. Even if you are not living in California, Texas, or other southern state, immigration is an issue every state must face. […]

Nov 18

Deal Breaker Issue

by in Political Beefs | 2,568 views | Reading Time 3:14

Last week, our local metropolitan paper’s online site featured a “Letter to the Editor” which was titled “If you voted for Obama, you can’t call yourself Catholic.” I’m sure you know the general reaction from the readership as they commented for 16 pages worth of bickering. Half were deeply incensed and felt the need to […]

Oct 27

Vote Deciders

by in Political Beefs | 2,329 views | Reading Time 2:35

With the Presidential election coming up next Tuesday, I wanted to give a rundown of how I decide my choice. Your decision tree may be very different than mine, but all in all, the factors below are the basic ingredients for every voter when finally deciding who to cast your vote for. In no particular […]

Oct 24

Crack Candy

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,176 views | Reading Time 2:43

Following up on the heels of yesterday’s smorgasbord article describing some of the recent news detailing our advancing “survival of the dumb” society I just couldn’t pass the following story up. Some things just deserve full attention for the absolute ridiculousness of the situation. Let me preface this by saying that I’m not making any […]

Oct 23

Smorgasbord Article

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,431 views | Reading Time 3:11

Let’s try something different today. I’m going to give some quick hitting reactions to some generally oddball news that we seem to get treated to on a regular basis these days. I’m not sure if there just isn’t enough real news to fill the ledger anymore or if the laws of nature have reversed and […]

Oct 15

Criminal Action Extended

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,003 views | Reading Time 2:48

Following up on my promise I made in yesterday’s article, I am faithfully writing about another misuse (in my opinion) of our judicial and law enforcement time. To be honest, I truly believed my promise would not be fulfilled for at least a couple of days. Little did I know that it would be less […]

Oct 14

Criminal Actions…

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,196 views | Reading Time 2:57

Once again, I have been rendered speechless by our justice system. In several past articles, I have stated my position on some of the distinct failings of our criminal justice system regarding consequences and punishments. However, I have run across an article detailing an absurd situation which has left me in absolute wonderment. Let me […]