by Robert in Political Beefs | 8,571 views | Reading Time 2:55
Some people grow up wanting to be doctors, others want to be firefighters, and even some hope to join the military to serve our country. These are but a few of the job fields our young people believe they want to join when they grow up. When we are young, we focus on the jobs […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,903 views | Reading Time 2:53
The day has come that Barack Obama will officially become the President of the United States. I am so unbelievably excited that I can hardly put into words how much this day excites me. No I’m not excited about the fact that he is becoming our nation’s leader and focal point of the free world, […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,588 views | Reading Time 3:05
How many times did you hear the war cry of the Obama campaign, “Change we can believe in?” How many times did you hear the chant, “Yes we can” throughout the election process? I heard it enough times that I actually began believing that President Elect Barack Obama was truly going to affiliate himself with […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,728 views | Reading Time 3:18
Anyone who follows politics knows one thing and one thing for certain… Nancy Pelosi is as hardcore a liberal as the Democratic Party can construct a politician. You can verify her record and policy stances by quickly visiting any governmental tracking site online in case you need more confirmation of her “public service.” Recently, I […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,518 views | Reading Time 3:22
Political speculators have been trumpeting the expected record voter turnouts for our current Presidential election. After voting today and experiencing the gathered masses of the voting public and hearing extensive reports of the record absentee and early voting periods, I would comfortably say we are going to see an obliteration of the largest total amount […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 3,765 views | Reading Time 2:00
Here we are, less than a few days until we know who our next President will be. Excitement, tension, nervousness, and general anxiety may be filling your next few days depending on how involved you are with politics and the government future of our country. If you’re an Obama supporter, I would imagine you are […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,691 views | Reading Time 2:35
Journalistic reports from our major media outlets tend to amaze me in the sense of their audacious and sensationalistic approaches to “unbiased” news. However, today, I am utterly amazed. I am beyond the simple awe struck, mouth agape, deer in the headlights look. When I first came across Campbell Brown’s assertion that Barack Obama was […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 3,373 views | Reading Time 3:19
Two weeks away from the Presidential election, I figured it was time for me to announce my candidate’s endorsement. Let the record show that I’m not endorsing anyone. However, since I believe that if you don’t exercise your right to vote, you don’t have any say or right to argue how things are being done […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,804 views | Reading Time 3:11
What do you consider headline news? Personally, I think headline news is reserved for stories or live reports from events which have direct and immediate impact in our lives. The rest is news yes, but headline news? Today, while catching up on the latest world news, I hopped on CNN’s website and I was treated […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,291 views | Reading Time 2:45
Our current economic woes have handcuffed our running political campaigns. On one hand, it has given the two candidates specific talking points to showcase their ability to deal with imminent crisis. On the other, it has completely obliterated the need to focus upon education, tax reform, social security, military, and foreign policy as debating issues. […]