Posts Tagged ‘Perfection’

Feb 8

Judge Yourself

by in Everyday Nonsense | 4,839 views | Reading Time 2:55

How often do you judge others? How often do you condemn the actions of those you barely know? How often do you look down on the people you know when they fail to meet the higher standards you apply to them? How often do you judge… and not judge yourself? My faith tells me that […]

Jan 26

Asking For Help

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,236 views | Reading Time 3:01

Have you ever been asked for help by someone but that person really didn’t mean it? I see two distinct variations of this statement. Number one, I see people ask for help and never utilize that help. It’s almost a situation where they want it to look as if they are involving others but in […]

Jan 3

I Compete Against

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,432 views | Reading Time 2:50

As we begin a new year, most of the resolutions that we make involve some sense of competition. Whether that competition is against an individual, a group, or even yourself, we begin a journey that will result in either a success or failure… or tie. Remove the recent resolutions we have made, and we are […]

Jun 13


by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,616 views | Reading Time 5:12

I’m not sure if you all know, but I have always been a sports fan. I enjoy most sports because I enjoy the heat of competition. Over the years of my life, I have spent countless hours playing basketball, baseball, softball, and bowling just to name a few of the activities. Sports used to be […]