by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,611 views | Reading Time 4:37
Today’s article basically comes from a conversation I was having yesterday about the current generation of less than 20 year olds. Today’s word is a descriptive term I have invented for this particular subject matter. The word is a combination of Peer and Idiocy. We all know what a peer is right? We also know […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,855 views | Reading Time 5:22
It seems like over the last few years, we have seen a pretty large increase in the amount of sports figures “admitting” guilt about using performance enhancing drugs and substances. Not quite a coincidence that testing is continually getting better and people are coming forward with previous “secret” information. It also seems that the sports […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,188 views | Reading Time 4:26
I wonder what today’s article is going to be about? Is it about a news story? How about another book or movie review? Maybe it’s something that you’ve never really thought out loud about but have only thought about inside. It could be a thought that has never even entered your mind. What could it […]
by Robert in Book Reviews | 4,332 views | Reading Time 3:20
Let’s go for a book review today. I just purchased the latest Jose Canseco book titled “Vindicated” and have been reading through it. It’s a follow up book to his first book, “Juiced: Wild Times, Rampant ‘Roids, Smash Hits, and How Baseball Got Big.” His first book was published in 2005, before the congressional Mitchell […]