by Robert in Television Ramblings | 2,290 views | Reading Time 3:15
Fashion trends are in a state of continual flux. How do you know if your wardrobe or hair style is amongst the currently accepted “cool” fashions? The majority of us don’t buy fashion magazines with the intent on keeping up with the latest styles. Personally, I’ve never put much faith in the trendy styles our […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,613 views | Reading Time 4:37
Today’s article basically comes from a conversation I was having yesterday about the current generation of less than 20 year olds. Today’s word is a descriptive term I have invented for this particular subject matter. The word is a combination of Peer and Idiocy. We all know what a peer is right? We also know […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,190 views | Reading Time 4:26
I wonder what today’s article is going to be about? Is it about a news story? How about another book or movie review? Maybe it’s something that you’ve never really thought out loud about but have only thought about inside. It could be a thought that has never even entered your mind. What could it […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,177 views | Reading Time 5:21
How many faces do you own? How many faces have you built? How do you decide which face to wear? I’m sure you know by now, I’m not really talking about actually owning a face or physically building a face or even wearing a face. What I am talking about is the “persona” behind you […]
by Robert in Book Reviews | 4,342 views | Reading Time 3:20
Let’s go for a book review today. I just purchased the latest Jose Canseco book titled “Vindicated” and have been reading through it. It’s a follow up book to his first book, “Juiced: Wild Times, Rampant ‘Roids, Smash Hits, and How Baseball Got Big.” His first book was published in 2005, before the congressional Mitchell […]