by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,835 views | Reading Time 2:21
Today, while watching The View… oh, I mean the fourth hour of the NBC Today Show… honest mistake… Hoda Kotb mentioned something which made me think. While they were theorizing over the recent photos showing Elizabeth Edwards not wearing her wedding ring, Hoda began a brain dump over Elizabeth’s issues. She ranged from mentioning her […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,199 views | Reading Time 2:43
Following up on the heels of yesterday’s smorgasbord article describing some of the recent news detailing our advancing “survival of the dumb” society I just couldn’t pass the following story up. Some things just deserve full attention for the absolute ridiculousness of the situation. Let me preface this by saying that I’m not making any […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,452 views | Reading Time 3:11
Let’s try something different today. I’m going to give some quick hitting reactions to some generally oddball news that we seem to get treated to on a regular basis these days. I’m not sure if there just isn’t enough real news to fill the ledger anymore or if the laws of nature have reversed and […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,122 views | Reading Time 3:20
Ford has announced several of their 2010 vehicle models will include technology which can “govern” the vehicle’s top speed by setting a limit of 80 miles per hour (mph). The technology comes in the form of a computer chip which resides in the key utilized for ignition. Along with capping the speed limit, warning tones […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,219 views | Reading Time 5:02
How excited were you when you turned 21? Are you not there yet and sitting in a state of stupor because of your pent up anticipation of that fateful day when you can take your “first legal drink?” Is turning 21 as important as turning 16, or 13, or 10, or 5? Does age provide […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,176 views | Reading Time 4:42
Over the weekend, I watched an online news clip from CNN’s medical correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta and I just had to write an article about the subject. Yes, it appears that researchers have found not one, but three genes which potentially determine violent behavior in humans. How did our “crack team” of scientists determine these […]
by Robert in Movie Reviews | 3,273 views | Reading Time 4:46
It’s movie review time. Tonight, my wife and I watched “Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins.” It was a fairly entertaining movie with quite a few “laugh out loud” moments. I was happy with the time spent (2 hours) because it only cost me $1.08 to rent from the local McDonald’s RedBox. If I haven’t mentioned it […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,636 views | Reading Time 4:37
Today’s article basically comes from a conversation I was having yesterday about the current generation of less than 20 year olds. Today’s word is a descriptive term I have invented for this particular subject matter. The word is a combination of Peer and Idiocy. We all know what a peer is right? We also know […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 12,638 views | Reading Time 4:29
Yes, that is not a word and I meant for it to be that way. As you might think, I like to do things a little different than the norm. Today’s article is going to be about a commercial my wife brought to my attention. I guess you can say I’ve had a little influence […]
by Robert in Movie Reviews | 3,056 views | Reading Time 4:22
I think it’s time for another movie review. If you’ve seen my first two reviews, you know it’s not just a typical movie review, but a bit more. I like to pick things out from the movie that spark thoughts within me and go from there. The latest movie that provided this spark was a […]