by Robert in Political Beefs | 6,385 views | Reading Time 3:34
When I was a kid, I faithfully did my chores to earn my $3 allowance each week. What I chose to spend my hard earned money on was something many young boys did… baseball cards. My mom took me to the grocery store for each week’s grocery run and I promptly headed to the aisle […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 6,726 views | Reading Time 3:21
No, I’m not talking about Obama’s protuberances from each side of his head… I’m talking about the earmarks he so blatantly campaigned against, but signed into law the first chance he was given. The federal government, in need of a spending bill to keep the doors open for business, sent through a $400 plus bill […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 6,836 views | Reading Time 3:26
As we experienced the full tilt run-up to our Presidential election at the end of last year, everyone was hoping that anointing Obama, our country’s savior in waiting, would cure our financial market woes as far as confidence was concerned. On Obama’s first day as our newly minted President, the Dow Jones Industrial Average stood […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 3,028 views | Reading Time 3:02
Over the recent past, I’ve written a few articles about the stimulus bills and other government payouts designed to help us out of our deepening recession. I remember one article where I detailed a stimulus plan for heads of households. My numbers revolved around putting money into the hands of the worker who will in […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 3,441 views | Reading Time 3:51
Our nation had its first State of the Union address that wasn’t an official State of the Union address this week by our current 30’ish day President. Mr. Obama has used his star power as if he were a touring American Idol by glad handing the masses and placing his face on every news channel […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 3,492 views | Reading Time 3:15
This week completed the first official month of Barack Obama’s Presidency. Obama was riding a sentimental wave of enthusiasm into office with millions of supporters welcoming him into the White House as he swore upon the Bible to uphold the Constitution of the United States. After all the campaign promises were made with the assumption […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 3,851 views | Reading Time 3:17
Are you ready for April 15th? Tax season has once again come around the corner and along with it, lots of gripes and groans. Nobody thinks the current system is fair except for the people who get more back in tax credit than they pay in. It’s their day to bask in the sun when […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,903 views | Reading Time 2:53
The day has come that Barack Obama will officially become the President of the United States. I am so unbelievably excited that I can hardly put into words how much this day excites me. No I’m not excited about the fact that he is becoming our nation’s leader and focal point of the free world, […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 5,902 views | Reading Time 2:58
Since the Presidential campaign ended with a decisive Electoral College vote in favor of Barack Obama, information has been leaked from both campaigns detailing how thousands and in some cases, millions, of dollars were spent trying to win the election. We all know about the television advertising and online ads purchased by both campaigns, nothing […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,588 views | Reading Time 3:05
How many times did you hear the war cry of the Obama campaign, “Change we can believe in?” How many times did you hear the chant, “Yes we can” throughout the election process? I heard it enough times that I actually began believing that President Elect Barack Obama was truly going to affiliate himself with […]