Posts Tagged ‘Movie’

May 19

Customer Knowledge

by in Product Rants | 3,228 views | Reading Time 4:35

How informed do you believe the customers are in this country? Do you believe we are well informed as a society on what we purchase? Do you think we are below average, adequately, or something else? My personal belief is that even with the Internet, we as a country are very poorly informed about our […]

May 14

One More Day

by in Movie Reviews | 2,017 views | Reading Time 4:09

Yep, here comes another movie review. I know that’s two in a row, what’s the deal? Well, to be honest, it was the weekend and there were some new movies out so I took some time and watched a few. I do like to watch movies. It’s a hobby of some sort. Today’s article is […]

May 13

Take a Stand

by in Movie Reviews | 3,056 views | Reading Time 4:22

I think it’s time for another movie review. If you’ve seen my first two reviews, you know it’s not just a typical movie review, but a bit more. I like to pick things out from the movie that spark thoughts within me and go from there. The latest movie that provided this spark was a […]

Apr 26

Too Dumb To Be True

by in Movie Reviews | 3,101 views | Reading Time 3:20

Time for a movie review! I just had the “pleasure” of watching a movie called “Balls of Fury.” It’s a movie, and I’m using that loosely here, about ping pong. Table tennis for the pros out there…. Let me just get right to the point, how and why did this movie go from thought, to […]

Apr 19

Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem

by in Movie Reviews | 3,025 views | Reading Time 2:50

Let’s get into my first movie review. As you will notice, it’s not going to be your normal movie review that you have read online or viewed on television. It will be something new, a review in the most simplistic form along with a focus upon certain statements or scenes within the movie. AVP:2 is […]