Posts Tagged ‘McCain’

Mar 12

Ears for Obama

by in Political Beefs | 6,675 views | Reading Time 3:21

No, I’m not talking about Obama’s protuberances from each side of his head… I’m talking about the earmarks he so blatantly campaigned against, but signed into law the first chance he was given. The federal government, in need of a spending bill to keep the doors open for business, sent through a $400 plus bill […]

Dec 6

Campaign Dollars Spent

by in Political Beefs | 5,876 views | Reading Time 2:58

Since the Presidential campaign ended with a decisive Electoral College vote in favor of Barack Obama, information has been leaked from both campaigns detailing how thousands and in some cases, millions, of dollars were spent trying to win the election. We all know about the television advertising and online ads purchased by both campaigns, nothing […]

Nov 18

Deal Breaker Issue

by in Political Beefs | 2,568 views | Reading Time 3:14

Last week, our local metropolitan paper’s online site featured a “Letter to the Editor” which was titled “If you voted for Obama, you can’t call yourself Catholic.” I’m sure you know the general reaction from the readership as they commented for 16 pages worth of bickering. Half were deeply incensed and felt the need to […]

Nov 3

Obama And Vindication

by in Political Beefs | 2,972 views | Reading Time 3:20

As I sit here today, less than 24 hours from casting my vote in our Presidential election tomorrow, I have become apathetic. I sit here and wonder how so many of our citizens can be led so blindly as if promised treasures on earth for their vote. I am ashamed of our political process and […]

Oct 31

Fighter’s Chance

by in Political Beefs | 3,741 views | Reading Time 2:00

Here we are, less than a few days until we know who our next President will be. Excitement, tension, nervousness, and general anxiety may be filling your next few days depending on how involved you are with politics and the government future of our country. If you’re an Obama supporter, I would imagine you are […]

Oct 27

Vote Deciders

by in Political Beefs | 2,329 views | Reading Time 2:35

With the Presidential election coming up next Tuesday, I wanted to give a rundown of how I decide my choice. Your decision tree may be very different than mine, but all in all, the factors below are the basic ingredients for every voter when finally deciding who to cast your vote for. In no particular […]

Oct 21


by in Political Beefs | 3,343 views | Reading Time 3:19

Two weeks away from the Presidential election, I figured it was time for me to announce my candidate’s endorsement. Let the record show that I’m not endorsing anyone. However, since I believe that if you don’t exercise your right to vote, you don’t have any say or right to argue how things are being done […]

Sep 26

Multitask Gimmick

by in Political Beefs | 2,264 views | Reading Time 2:45

Our current economic woes have handcuffed our running political campaigns. On one hand, it has given the two candidates specific talking points to showcase their ability to deal with imminent crisis. On the other, it has completely obliterated the need to focus upon education, tax reform, social security, military, and foreign policy as debating issues. […]

Sep 18

Tax Man Cometh

by in Political Beefs | 2,700 views | Reading Time 3:36

Joe Biden, our potential future Vice President, turned up in the news again with another statement worthy of mention. As I wrote in a previous article, Second Rate Choice, Biden has been largely ignored by the media since the arrival, and associated media vacuum, of Sarah Palin. However, as in that article, Biden seems to […]

Sep 11

Second Rate Choice

by in Political Beefs | 2,480 views | Reading Time 3:50

Over the last few days, Barack Obama’s running mate Joe Biden appears to have been buried by the media. Since the Democratic National Convention, Biden hasn’t been quite the media darling and his appearances have been very limited. Of course John McCain’s pick of Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential choice has thrown the entire […]