by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 6,018 views | Reading Time 2:46
Growing up, I’m sure you heard the term “liquid courage” or “telephone tough guy” thrown around to describe certain people. Of course, these people are those who act like they are tough when they have a few drinks in them or are on the other end of a phone and not within any immediate danger […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,645 views | Reading Time 3:02
I was involved in a discussion about relationships that broke out at work a few days ago. The ideology of a “Love Bank” and making deposits came about while we talked about several themes from various flavors of relationship self help books. One of the main ideas is that people should focus on the things […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,509 views | Reading Time 2:45
We all like to think that most of the bad things that happen to us and the world are true “accidents.” Accidents meaning that unforeseen circumstances come together in some random reality causing some drastic event to occur that should not have occurred in our normal lives… an accident… a fluke… or simply bad karma. […]