Posts Tagged ‘Manipulatory’

Feb 27

Trickle Down

by in Everyday Nonsense | 3,077 views | Reading Time 3:00

Ever wonder if what you say or do affects anyone? I’m sure most, if not all, people believe their life does in fact impact the lives of those around them, but how much? Do you think that only the most important statements or things you have done mean the most in how others interact with […]

Feb 15

Veils of Deception

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,813 views | Reading Time 2:30

Do you think people can truly change? Do you fear change? Are we simply who we are until the end? Is the appearance of change only a thin veil of disguise we pull over our appearances to make a false reality for others to see… and believe? What do you think? Personally, I believe in […]

Oct 20

Headline News

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,780 views | Reading Time 3:11

What do you consider headline news? Personally, I think headline news is reserved for stories or live reports from events which have direct and immediate impact in our lives. The rest is news yes, but headline news? Today, while catching up on the latest world news, I hopped on CNN’s website and I was treated […]

Aug 14

Subliminal Motivators

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,091 views | Reading Time 4:00

Can advertising make you do things? Can you make people think and do things by simple body language? Two simple questions and initially you may think the answer is no. You may think you are aware of advertising and the associated implicit goals, therefore you are making up your own mind whether to purchase a […]

May 15


by in Everyday Nonsense | 12,614 views | Reading Time 4:29

Yes, that is not a word and I meant for it to be that way. As you might think, I like to do things a little different than the norm. Today’s article is going to be about a commercial my wife brought to my attention. I guess you can say I’ve had a little influence […]

Apr 20

Today Show Blather

by in Television Ramblings | 3,176 views | Reading Time 2:39

I was sitting here trying to think of something interesting to type about today and I saw that Television Ramblings needed its first entry. Here it comes! I’m not sure if most of you out there have seen or even heard of it, but the NBC Today Show (which is a news/information program) recently added […]