Posts Tagged ‘Manipulation’

Apr 29

Additional Product Content

by in Product Rants | 3,140 views | Reading Time 4:03

It’s time for my first product rant. As you will see, this will be like my other articles, about something, but not really about something. It’s about viewing things from an alternate perspective and thinking outside the preconceived notions that the powers that be assume we adhere to. Recently, game developer Infinity Ward added new […]

Apr 22

Going Green

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,963 views | Reading Time 3:00

Today is Earth day so I figured I would join in the buzz and write up an article from my perspective about all of this going green hype. I whole heartedly agree with people, companies, and governments focusing on trying to become more ecologically friendly. However, it appears to me that this whole green movement […]

Apr 20

Today Show Blather

by in Television Ramblings | 3,200 views | Reading Time 2:39

I was sitting here trying to think of something interesting to type about today and I saw that Television Ramblings needed its first entry. Here it comes! I’m not sure if most of you out there have seen or even heard of it, but the NBC Today Show (which is a news/information program) recently added […]

Apr 19

Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem

by in Movie Reviews | 3,025 views | Reading Time 2:50

Let’s get into my first movie review. As you will notice, it’s not going to be your normal movie review that you have read online or viewed on television. It will be something new, a review in the most simplistic form along with a focus upon certain statements or scenes within the movie. AVP:2 is […]