by Robert in Television Ramblings | 2,307 views | Reading Time 3:15
Fashion trends are in a state of continual flux. How do you know if your wardrobe or hair style is amongst the currently accepted “cool” fashions? The majority of us don’t buy fashion magazines with the intent on keeping up with the latest styles. Personally, I’ve never put much faith in the trendy styles our […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,700 views | Reading Time 4:33
I’m in control of my mind, aren’t you? After discussing body language the other day, maybe we aren’t exactly in such complete control as we like to think. I’ve ran across an interesting study who’s findings show that reading books have similar effects on the mind as watching television. We all know of the perceived […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 1,840 views | Reading Time 3:00
I’m sure everyone at some point in time during their life has heard of the IQ test and how it relates to how “smart” you are. IQ, the Intelligence Quotient. Consensus over time proposes that the average adult in our world sports an IQ of 100. Further “proposed” information states that about half of our […]