Posts Tagged ‘Intolerant’

Feb 23

Abusing My Television

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,786 views | Reading Time 3:02

It’s not what you think… I don’t watch too much television. Sure, I watch my fair share of it, but for the most part, I’m watching movies or have it on for background noise. I’ll pop on a sporting event and let it run just in case something exciting happens. Other times, I have it […]

Nov 24

Freedom Fighters

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,041 views | Reading Time 2:34

While reading my current selection from our personal library, I ran across a provocative statement which started a convoluted thought process within my mind. While the statement was not new, it just happened to stir something inside of me the moment I read it. From the book “The Next World War” written by Grant R. […]

Nov 21

Religion Infighting

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,380 views | Reading Time 2:33

When was the last time you had an actual “debate” involving religion? How did that work out for you? Probably just about as well as having a conversation about politics I would imagine… I would expect this from competing viewpoints because these issues are inherently volatile. However, what I am seeing more and more of […]

Sep 24

Polar Opposites

by in Political Beefs | 2,127 views | Reading Time 2:43

Do you like to think that you are a pretty reasonable individual? Do you view other people as rational individuals who are capable of sifting through facts and potential results while on their way to formulating an opinion or decision? For the most part, everyone attempts to generate an educated decision, guess, or stance given […]

Sep 22

Debate Destruction

by in Political Beefs | 2,679 views | Reading Time 2:49

Over the last 10-20 years, something has changed in our country’s way of thinking. People at one point in time, were able to enter into rational debates without seeing them careen off into an ideological slugfest with no chance of compromise from either side. Today, our society seems to be hell-bent on winning everything, no […]

Sep 4

Needless Accidents

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,401 views | Reading Time 2:26

Our justice system is one of our country’s most defining achievements, but should we be happy with its current state? Throughout our past, lawmakers have tried to institute fairness within our legal system and protect the rights of the individual. The simple fact and idea that everyone is innocent until proven guilty provides a sense […]

Jul 30

Church & State

by in Everyday Nonsense | 3,041 views | Reading Time 3:46

Americans have been taught throughout their lives a fundamental “rule” about our society involving Church and State. The First Amendment of our Bill of Rights includes the following, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” This is the first sentence of our first amendment of our […]

May 10


by in Everyday Nonsense | 1,967 views | Reading Time 4:56

Tolerance, it’s a big word. It implies many things and it gets thrown around a lot when there are differing points of view. Tolerate. What exactly does that mean? Basically it means to allow or put up with something that you don’t agree with in some way. That’s fine, I know everyone is different and […]