Posts Tagged ‘Inflation’

Feb 28

Worker Stimulus Bill

by in Political Beefs | 2,999 views | Reading Time 3:02

Over the recent past, I’ve written a few articles about the stimulus bills and other government payouts designed to help us out of our deepening recession. I remember one article where I detailed a stimulus plan for heads of households. My numbers revolved around putting money into the hands of the worker who will in […]

Sep 3


by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,588 views | Reading Time 2:55

When did you leave the nest and enter the scary real world? Did you leave home right after high school or after college? Did your parents let you come back home after college and enter society later? Today’s world has created an array of barriers forcing our younger generations to rethink their exit strategy from […]

Aug 5

Fake Wealth

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,115 views | Reading Time 4:49

Everyone loves a pay raise. We automatically get excited because with the arrival of that next paycheck, we will immediately see an increase in purchasing power. On top of that, we fill up with pride knowing that we are being rewarded for our hard work, production, and efficiency while performing our job. Sounds great doesn’t […]