by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,985 views | Reading Time 5:16
We’ve talked about gas and oil prices in a couple articles before. Recently, I ran across a new article online that got me to thinking about the whole gas and oil predicament again (like it ever left). Anyway, the article reports 4 energy analysts testified to the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Monday, June […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,567 views | Reading Time 4:56
As we all know, with the continual increase of oil prices and as a result, gas prices, the media is pushing alternative fuel as a better way to go. Usually, you will run across this alternative fuel, Ethanol or better called E85, at rare filling stations. Yes, there are more pumps showing up, but they […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 3,352 views | Reading Time 4:29
Well, let’s talk about barrels of oil. Or maybe it’s barrels of cash, or should it be gold or even diamonds? Today, the price per barrel of gold almost hit $120 per 42 gallon barrel of oil. That equates to about $2.85 in base price per gallon of crude oil. Now, only about 50% of […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,949 views | Reading Time 3:00
Today is Earth day so I figured I would join in the buzz and write up an article from my perspective about all of this going green hype. I whole heartedly agree with people, companies, and governments focusing on trying to become more ecologically friendly. However, it appears to me that this whole green movement […]