by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 3,174 views | Reading Time 3:45
Fuel consumption, gas prices, energy creation, and green house gases are just a few of our hot topic issues these days. We are all worried about the costs at the pump, our demand for oil, our environmental issues from burning fuel, and also the costs associated with heating our houses during fall and winter. Researchers, […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 3,693 views | Reading Time 5:06
Everyone has felt the pinch of the extreme energy costs in their wallets and budgets over the last few years and we have been inundated with theoretical new technologies that can help provide alternative power sources for our vehicles in an effort to de-emphasize our demand for foreign oil imports. Nothing new, just a new […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,452 views | Reading Time 3:33
Today, General Motors (GM) and Ford released disheartening news regarding their vehicle manufacturing operations. GM reported a net loss of $15.5 Billion for the second quarter of this year. Ford followed that with a report stating their overall United States vehicle sales dropped 14.9% in July. Even Toyota joined the crowd reporting a drop of […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,985 views | Reading Time 5:16
We’ve talked about gas and oil prices in a couple articles before. Recently, I ran across a new article online that got me to thinking about the whole gas and oil predicament again (like it ever left). Anyway, the article reports 4 energy analysts testified to the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Monday, June […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,567 views | Reading Time 4:56
As we all know, with the continual increase of oil prices and as a result, gas prices, the media is pushing alternative fuel as a better way to go. Usually, you will run across this alternative fuel, Ethanol or better called E85, at rare filling stations. Yes, there are more pumps showing up, but they […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 3,352 views | Reading Time 4:29
Well, let’s talk about barrels of oil. Or maybe it’s barrels of cash, or should it be gold or even diamonds? Today, the price per barrel of gold almost hit $120 per 42 gallon barrel of oil. That equates to about $2.85 in base price per gallon of crude oil. Now, only about 50% of […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,949 views | Reading Time 3:00
Today is Earth day so I figured I would join in the buzz and write up an article from my perspective about all of this going green hype. I whole heartedly agree with people, companies, and governments focusing on trying to become more ecologically friendly. However, it appears to me that this whole green movement […]