Posts Tagged ‘Greed’

Oct 8

We Paid For It

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,636 views | Reading Time 2:49

As our government continues to try and rescue our nation’s financial markets in an effort to prevent a horrific economic freefall, we hear about one of the most outrageous and heinous uses of taxpayer money yet. AIG, a company our government deemed necessary of bailing out with federal funds, received an $85 Billion loan recently […]

Sep 25

Bail Us Out

by in Political Beefs | 3,813 views | Reading Time 3:12

To bailout or not to bailout, that is the question. We’ve been inundated over the last week with words such as bailout, meltdown, Wall Street versus Main Street, foreclosures, economic crisis, and even the most dastardly economic terms known to the financial man… recession or even, (say it with a low voice, we don’t want […]

Sep 16

Golden Parachutes

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,067 views | Reading Time 2:32

Lately, we’ve been hearing news about executives of failing businesses receiving millions of dollars upon exiting their position. Sometimes, the exits are removals, firings, or basic business collapses leaving the company in ruins. Is it fair that an executive in charge of a company receives millions while the employees and shareholders are left with nothing? […]

Sep 12

Integrity Sold

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,348 views | Reading Time 2:37

We have all seen the commercials on television, in print, and online featuring precious events or heartfelt moments rightfully labeled as “priceless.” But, is there really anything that doesn’t have a price on it in our world today? Take anything you can possibly think of and I’m sure that you and I, rational individuals, can […]

Aug 26

Volume Cheating

by in Everyday Nonsense | 1,980 views | Reading Time 4:33

Are you really getting the amount of gas you have purchased each time you go to the gas station? We all like to think so. I ran across a story detailing maintenance checks on gas pumps throughout our country and it leaves a gaping hole which we could be paying for. How can we ever […]

Jul 9

Assembly Line Employees

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,528 views | Reading Time 5:22

In the article titled “Shortweek,” I brought up a theory about the current state of treatment of employees throughout our country. I stated, “Employee satisfaction and morale usually isn’t the number one thing on management’s minds these days.” While it is a pretty broad statement and there are many people who are being treated very […]

Apr 24

Return of Lost

by in Television Ramblings | 3,206 views | Reading Time 3:25

Finally! Well, it really wasn’t that long of a wait, 4 weeks or so, but still! What am I talking about? The television drama “Lost,” on ABC, returned. The writers’ strike threw a wrench into the season’s plans and actually could have ended the season outright if they wouldn’t have agreed to come back to […]

Apr 20

Today Show Blather

by in Television Ramblings | 3,200 views | Reading Time 2:39

I was sitting here trying to think of something interesting to type about today and I saw that Television Ramblings needed its first entry. Here it comes! I’m not sure if most of you out there have seen or even heard of it, but the NBC Today Show (which is a news/information program) recently added […]