by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,315 views | Reading Time 5:04
Today, in my daily routine of surfing the latest news and information on the Internet, I ran across an article about a subject that I’ve been a HUGE promoter of for many, many years. The article reported that the state of Utah is going to move their state employee base to a 4 day workweek. […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 3,010 views | Reading Time 5:16
We’ve talked about gas and oil prices in a couple articles before. Recently, I ran across a new article online that got me to thinking about the whole gas and oil predicament again (like it ever left). Anyway, the article reports 4 energy analysts testified to the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Monday, June […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 1,813 views | Reading Time 4:37
Ok, since yesterday’s article focused on a married couple living a normal American dream life and how they are continually falling deeper in debt, I left off with a question. Could the family be better off if only one adult worked? Like I said, I haven’t done the math, but I am very skeptical and […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 1,853 views | Reading Time 4:28
Since I wrote an article yesterday focusing on our economic downturns and a potential change we can focus on within our own control, I mentioned a statement about how it can cost people money to work. Doesn’t make much sense, but I’m going to give an example here describing the premise of how going to […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,200 views | Reading Time 5:05
Since the economy has been playing for the spotlight the last few months, I figured I would chime in with a few cents worth of opinion. People are feeling the credit crunch, foreclosures are rising, food prices are soaring, gas of course is beyond comprehensible anymore, and people just do not have spare spending money […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,591 views | Reading Time 4:56
As we all know, with the continual increase of oil prices and as a result, gas prices, the media is pushing alternative fuel as a better way to go. Usually, you will run across this alternative fuel, Ethanol or better called E85, at rare filling stations. Yes, there are more pumps showing up, but they […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,963 views | Reading Time 3:00
Today is Earth day so I figured I would join in the buzz and write up an article from my perspective about all of this going green hype. I whole heartedly agree with people, companies, and governments focusing on trying to become more ecologically friendly. However, it appears to me that this whole green movement […]