Posts Tagged ‘Environment’

Aug 28

Fuel Consumption Future

by in Everyday Nonsense | 3,201 views | Reading Time 3:45

Fuel consumption, gas prices, energy creation, and green house gases are just a few of our hot topic issues these days. We are all worried about the costs at the pump, our demand for oil, our environmental issues from burning fuel, and also the costs associated with heating our houses during fall and winter. Researchers, […]

Aug 22

Shots On The House

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,219 views | Reading Time 5:02

How excited were you when you turned 21? Are you not there yet and sitting in a state of stupor because of your pent up anticipation of that fateful day when you can take your “first legal drink?” Is turning 21 as important as turning 16, or 13, or 10, or 5? Does age provide […]

Aug 20

Electric Car Savings

by in Everyday Nonsense | 3,716 views | Reading Time 5:06

Everyone has felt the pinch of the extreme energy costs in their wallets and budgets over the last few years and we have been inundated with theoretical new technologies that can help provide alternative power sources for our vehicles in an effort to de-emphasize our demand for foreign oil imports. Nothing new, just a new […]

Aug 19

Mind Control

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,700 views | Reading Time 4:33

I’m in control of my mind, aren’t you? After discussing body language the other day, maybe we aren’t exactly in such complete control as we like to think. I’ve ran across an interesting study who’s findings show that reading books have similar effects on the mind as watching television. We all know of the perceived […]

Aug 14

Subliminal Motivators

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,118 views | Reading Time 4:00

Can advertising make you do things? Can you make people think and do things by simple body language? Two simple questions and initially you may think the answer is no. You may think you are aware of advertising and the associated implicit goals, therefore you are making up your own mind whether to purchase a […]

Aug 6

Tire Pressure Oil Savings

by in Everyday Nonsense | 3,389 views | Reading Time 5:00

Barack Obama has recently been touting that Americans can decrease our dependence upon oil by driving on correctly pressurized tires and also by up keeping our car via regular maintenance. Is it too good to be true? Or, is this just another scam such as the fuel additives that “increase” gas mileage and the like? […]

Jul 21

Violence Gene

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,176 views | Reading Time 4:42

Over the weekend, I watched an online news clip from CNN’s medical correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta and I just had to write an article about the subject. Yes, it appears that researchers have found not one, but three genes which potentially determine violent behavior in humans. How did our “crack team” of scientists determine these […]

Jul 17

Pay Per-Use

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,157 views | Reading Time 4:57

The other day, I found an intriguing thought/concept posted on Jeremy Zawodny’s personal blog. He poses a question regarding airlines and the concept of charging people ticket prices based upon their weight. Of course the concept was not held in high regards by the majority of his responders but is the theory behind the question […]

Jul 3


by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,314 views | Reading Time 5:04

Today, in my daily routine of surfing the latest news and information on the Internet, I ran across an article about a subject that I’ve been a HUGE promoter of for many, many years. The article reported that the state of Utah is going to move their state employee base to a 4 day workweek. […]

Jun 27

Oil Demand and Supply

by in Everyday Nonsense | 3,010 views | Reading Time 5:16

We’ve talked about gas and oil prices in a couple articles before. Recently, I ran across a new article online that got me to thinking about the whole gas and oil predicament again (like it ever left). Anyway, the article reports 4 energy analysts testified to the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Monday, June […]