Posts Tagged ‘Education’

Nov 28

Like Yeah

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,628 views | Reading Time 3:46

This week, I was given an opportunity to experience the fruits of our scholastic tax dollars at work while sitting my obligatory half an hour at the DMV in an effort to renew my license to drive. Yes, I said “scholastic” tax dollars… Why would I say that you may ask? Well, let me inform […]

Nov 18

Deal Breaker Issue

by in Political Beefs | 2,592 views | Reading Time 3:14

Last week, our local metropolitan paper’s online site featured a “Letter to the Editor” which was titled “If you voted for Obama, you can’t call yourself Catholic.” I’m sure you know the general reaction from the readership as they commented for 16 pages worth of bickering. Half were deeply incensed and felt the need to […]

Nov 12

Liberal Obama Agenda

by in Political Beefs | 3,335 views | Reading Time 3:04

Staying with the Liberal Agenda course, you may have asked the question, “Is Barack Obama, our President-elect, a Liberal Agenda subscriber?” Let’s find out by going through the Liberal Agenda issues we have recently spoken about. We aren’t going to base this upon opinion or hearsay, but actual votes, decisions, and spoken words from Obama […]

Oct 9

Outside The Box

by in Everyday Nonsense | 1,977 views | Reading Time 3:23

Given our current economic downturn and with little hope for a quick fix to our financial market issues, let’s spend some time thinking completely outside the box. Now, this is all hypothetical and includes some political underpinnings of some “not so great” ideologies, but go with me on this short journey and let’s hear what […]

Sep 3


by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,606 views | Reading Time 2:55

When did you leave the nest and enter the scary real world? Did you leave home right after high school or after college? Did your parents let you come back home after college and enter society later? Today’s world has created an array of barriers forcing our younger generations to rethink their exit strategy from […]

Aug 27

Informed Society

by in Political Beefs | 2,627 views | Reading Time 4:06

Today’s world revolves around information. How often have you heard the phrase “Information is king?” We are taught from a very young age that knowledge is power and information is the key to success. Our current generation has grown up with pathways to information no generation before it had ever dreamed of. We have the […]

Jun 23


by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,931 views | Reading Time 5:07

The particular subject I am writing about today has come up in several conversations I’ve had through the years since my college years. I want to talk about failure teaching at the highest level of collegiate academics. Thus, I have coined the phrase Failademics. I don’t know how many college educated readers are here or […]

Jun 12


by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,267 views | Reading Time 4:34

Whoa, another silly word. Today’s new word took me a few iterations to come up with something that you could pronounce out loud. Yes, sometimes it is difficult to come up with a brand new word. I mean, Webster’s has been around for a very long time and they pretty much cornered the market on […]

Jun 5


by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,266 views | Reading Time 5:00

Today is a totally separate theme for an article. I have made up a new word however to keep that ball rolling. Milkmind is what I decided to write about today. Milk is a very useful source of vitamins and minerals that help us grow up to become healthy adults. It helps our bones grow […]

May 19

Customer Knowledge

by in Product Rants | 3,228 views | Reading Time 4:35

How informed do you believe the customers are in this country? Do you believe we are well informed as a society on what we purchase? Do you think we are below average, adequately, or something else? My personal belief is that even with the Internet, we as a country are very poorly informed about our […]