Posts Tagged ‘Dumbotrons’

Oct 7

Smart Key

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,122 views | Reading Time 3:20

Ford has announced several of their 2010 vehicle models will include technology which can “govern” the vehicle’s top speed by setting a limit of 80 miles per hour (mph). The technology comes in the form of a computer chip which resides in the key utilized for ignition. Along with capping the speed limit, warning tones […]

Sep 30

Voter Age

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,230 views | Reading Time 2:59

How old do you think people should be to possess the right to vote? Do you think our current age requirement of 18 is valid and rational? Do you think it should be reserved for older, more experienced individuals? How about even younger? Voting carries with it a lot of responsibility. Should someone 16 be […]

Aug 1

Monopoly Money

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,480 views | Reading Time 3:33

Today, General Motors (GM) and Ford released disheartening news regarding their vehicle manufacturing operations. GM reported a net loss of $15.5 Billion for the second quarter of this year. Ford followed that with a report stating their overall United States vehicle sales dropped 14.9% in July. Even Toyota joined the crowd reporting a drop of […]

Jul 31

Shooting Tools

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,147 views | Reading Time 4:18

Last week I ran across a story involving a man shooting his lawn mower because it wouldn’t start. Well that just doesn’t sound rational does it? I can tell you there have been times I’ve wanted to shoot an inanimate object because it wasn’t complying with what I needed it to do. However, I have […]

May 27


by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,208 views | Reading Time 4:26

I wonder what today’s article is going to be about? Is it about a news story? How about another book or movie review? Maybe it’s something that you’ve never really thought out loud about but have only thought about inside. It could be a thought that has never even entered your mind. What could it […]