by Robert in Political Beefs | 3,028 views | Reading Time 3:02
Over the recent past, I’ve written a few articles about the stimulus bills and other government payouts designed to help us out of our deepening recession. I remember one article where I detailed a stimulus plan for heads of households. My numbers revolved around putting money into the hands of the worker who will in […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 3,107 views | Reading Time 3:25
As we fall deeper into our current recession, we hear on a daily basis various reports about Wall Street and how corporate earnings are failing to meet expectations. Amazing right? Are the stock owners and corporate accountants that far removed from the society you and I are living in? A simple fact finding expedition through […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 13,024 views | Reading Time 3:10
We all relish the times when our personal pride bucket becomes full and overflowing… our egos grow exponentially as a result of the overwhelming fullness of ourselves. Many people fill a void in their life by focusing on growing their pride and associated ego. Some do it knowingly while others do it just because they […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,317 views | Reading Time 2:55
While enjoying a night with our family recently, we engaged into a conversation relating to the existence of true patriots within the borders of our country. The debate filtered down to this topic after initially talking about the current dire state of our economy. If our country continues down the path into a modern day […]