Posts Tagged ‘Conflict’

Sep 17

Ally Or Enemy

by in Political Beefs | 2,171 views | Reading Time 2:20

Recently, word spread across the news channels that Pakistan ordered its troops to open fire upon any American troops that crossed the Afghanistan/Pakistan border. Pakistan has played a large role in our war on terror in their region and has been an ally of America for quite some time. However, their government has been under […]

Aug 12

Media Favorites

by in Political Beefs | 2,566 views | Reading Time 5:02

Since the Iraq invasion in 2003, Americans and politicians alike have wondered when the war would be complete. Defeat was never an option or even a part of the equation. The war carried a predetermined fate of victory already achieved. Our resolve to protect freedom’s life and virtue in the dawn of a new age […]

Jul 21

Violence Gene

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,176 views | Reading Time 4:42

Over the weekend, I watched an online news clip from CNN’s medical correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta and I just had to write an article about the subject. Yes, it appears that researchers have found not one, but three genes which potentially determine violent behavior in humans. How did our “crack team” of scientists determine these […]

Jul 14

Duty of a Soldier

by in Movie Reviews | 2,365 views | Reading Time 5:21

Over the weekend, I visited our local Redbox again to pick up some new movies to rent and watch. I picked up the movie “Stop-Loss” and while watching it and discussing the movie with my wife, I thought it would be a perfect movie to write an article about. First off, I want to give […]

May 2

Best Left Unsaid

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,647 views | Reading Time 4:29

Today, in a public forum I read, I came across a statement that to me was offensive. As the article title suggests, it was most definitely a comment best left unsaid. The sad thing about it is I’ve heard this statement before, in various formats and configurations. It makes me wonder if the average person […]