by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,838 views | Reading Time 2:30
Do you think people can truly change? Do you fear change? Are we simply who we are until the end? Is the appearance of change only a thin veil of disguise we pull over our appearances to make a false reality for others to see… and believe? What do you think? Personally, I believe in […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,664 views | Reading Time 3:02
I was involved in a discussion about relationships that broke out at work a few days ago. The ideology of a “Love Bank” and making deposits came about while we talked about several themes from various flavors of relationship self help books. One of the main ideas is that people should focus on the things […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,380 views | Reading Time 2:33
When was the last time you had an actual “debate” involving religion? How did that work out for you? Probably just about as well as having a conversation about politics I would imagine… I would expect this from competing viewpoints because these issues are inherently volatile. However, what I am seeing more and more of […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,613 views | Reading Time 3:14
After yesterday’s article on the makings of the Liberal Agenda, I had a short internal conversation with myself. The topic of this self involved conversation was, “Could I be happily married to a person who subscribed to the Liberal Agenda?” This actual topic was born from a short conversation I had with my wife just […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,728 views | Reading Time 3:18
Anyone who follows politics knows one thing and one thing for certain… Nancy Pelosi is as hardcore a liberal as the Democratic Party can construct a politician. You can verify her record and policy stances by quickly visiting any governmental tracking site online in case you need more confirmation of her “public service.” Recently, I […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,852 views | Reading Time 2:57
Today marks the first time in American history that we have elected a rock star for President. In our past, we have elected war heroes, great public speakers, men with great ideals for our country, and we have even elected men who were previously known as actors. Now we can add to this distinguished list, […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,019 views | Reading Time 2:48
Following up on my promise I made in yesterday’s article, I am faithfully writing about another misuse (in my opinion) of our judicial and law enforcement time. To be honest, I truly believed my promise would not be fulfilled for at least a couple of days. Little did I know that it would be less […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 3,813 views | Reading Time 3:12
To bailout or not to bailout, that is the question. We’ve been inundated over the last week with words such as bailout, meltdown, Wall Street versus Main Street, foreclosures, economic crisis, and even the most dastardly economic terms known to the financial man… recession or even, (say it with a low voice, we don’t want […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,127 views | Reading Time 2:43
Do you like to think that you are a pretty reasonable individual? Do you view other people as rational individuals who are capable of sifting through facts and potential results while on their way to formulating an opinion or decision? For the most part, everyone attempts to generate an educated decision, guess, or stance given […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,679 views | Reading Time 2:49
Over the last 10-20 years, something has changed in our country’s way of thinking. People at one point in time, were able to enter into rational debates without seeing them careen off into an ideological slugfest with no chance of compromise from either side. Today, our society seems to be hell-bent on winning everything, no […]