by Robert in Political Beefs | 7,604 views | Reading Time 3:19
Quite often I get myself involved in thought provoking debates with various people in my life. These debates spur spontaneous thought and non-conventional thinking. Along with pushing our mind’s eye to view conflicts or deep seated points of view differently, good ideas are formed from having healthy debates about tough issues. In the past, I’ve […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 6,069 views | Reading Time 2:46
Growing up, I’m sure you heard the term “liquid courage” or “telephone tough guy” thrown around to describe certain people. Of course, these people are those who act like they are tough when they have a few drinks in them or are on the other end of a phone and not within any immediate danger […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 3,107 views | Reading Time 3:25
As we fall deeper into our current recession, we hear on a daily basis various reports about Wall Street and how corporate earnings are failing to meet expectations. Amazing right? Are the stock owners and corporate accountants that far removed from the society you and I are living in? A simple fact finding expedition through […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,462 views | Reading Time 3:27
New Years is around the corner… do you have your resolutions ready? Are there some burning issues in your heart and mind that you are waiting for January 1st to roll around to begin your journey towards achieving? Are your resolutions for the upcoming year much different than the ones you have routinely put forth […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,354 views | Reading Time 2:35
With the Presidential election coming up next Tuesday, I wanted to give a rundown of how I decide my choice. Your decision tree may be very different than mine, but all in all, the factors below are the basic ingredients for every voter when finally deciding who to cast your vote for. In no particular […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,019 views | Reading Time 2:48
Following up on my promise I made in yesterday’s article, I am faithfully writing about another misuse (in my opinion) of our judicial and law enforcement time. To be honest, I truly believed my promise would not be fulfilled for at least a couple of days. Little did I know that it would be less […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,700 views | Reading Time 4:33
I’m in control of my mind, aren’t you? After discussing body language the other day, maybe we aren’t exactly in such complete control as we like to think. I’ve ran across an interesting study who’s findings show that reading books have similar effects on the mind as watching television. We all know of the perceived […]
by Robert in Product Rants | 2,868 views | Reading Time 3:52
Cell phones, we love them, we hate them. They are everywhere. Family plans, text plans, and data plans. Can we go anywhere anymore without the incessant sounds of annoying ring tones, message indicators, and fantastic flashing light displays? The cell phone, or more justly called at this point, the personal data assistant (PDA), has come […]
by Robert in Book Reviews | 2,973 views | Reading Time 4:40
I just finished reading the book “ProBlogger” written by Darren Rowse and Chris Garrett. The book is written to help bloggers learn about the profession and determine if blogging is the right direction to pursue with their time. Darren and Chris have successful blogging businesses and they make their living writing, supporting, and commenting on […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,142 views | Reading Time 5:04
Today’s topic is going to focus on a very important issue we face in our lives personally and amongst society. Of course, this issue is just one of many we face, but it does permeate through most everything we do in some manner. What I am talking about is selfishness to the point where you […]