by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,613 views | Reading Time 3:14
After yesterday’s article on the makings of the Liberal Agenda, I had a short internal conversation with myself. The topic of this self involved conversation was, “Could I be happily married to a person who subscribed to the Liberal Agenda?” This actual topic was born from a short conversation I had with my wife just […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 3,633 views | Reading Time 3:18
Let’s talk a little bit about this so-called “Liberal Agenda” I’ve been writing about in my past articles. Some people only know the terms Liberal and Conservative and Democrat or Republican. Some do not know the different factions that exist within each Party. A Democrat does not necessarily have to subscribe to the Liberal Agenda […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,835 views | Reading Time 2:21
Today, while watching The View… oh, I mean the fourth hour of the NBC Today Show… honest mistake… Hoda Kotb mentioned something which made me think. While they were theorizing over the recent photos showing Elizabeth Edwards not wearing her wedding ring, Hoda began a brain dump over Elizabeth’s issues. She ranged from mentioning her […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 3,408 views | Reading Time 3:00
You might think I’m writing about Campbell’s Soup based upon the article title, but you would be jumping to conclusions. Today’s topic is about an article posted by CNN’s Campbell Brown. Yes, the former Today Show weekend anchor and weekday fill in who has since joined forces with CNN’s decidedly leftish approach to news reporting […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,050 views | Reading Time 2:40
Does it annoy you when a cell phone rings during a meeting? How about someone knocking on your door while you are in a closed door meeting? Do annoying teenagers ruin your movie experience with silly ringtones and text message alerts? Does it bother you when you are at church and other members are fumbling […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 3,041 views | Reading Time 3:46
Americans have been taught throughout their lives a fundamental “rule” about our society involving Church and State. The First Amendment of our Bill of Rights includes the following, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” This is the first sentence of our first amendment of our […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 1,943 views | Reading Time 4:16
Today’s article is a tough one. It’s a story that I don’t know if I could even come close to accomplishing. I don’t know if I would have the strength within that the person in this story has. This story is about a woman whose husband and five children were “hacked and clubbed to death.” […]