Posts Tagged ‘Christian’

Mar 19

Normal Am I

by in Everyday Nonsense | 6,468 views | Reading Time 3:06

How normal do you think you are? How normal do you think I am? Do you think anyone you know is actually normal? The real question may actually revolve around what normal actually means. Our current world’s perception of what is acceptable as the norm is probably in a different galaxy from what people thought […]

Mar 15

Religion Decline

by in Everyday Nonsense | 5,551 views | Reading Time 2:39

In the midst of my daily reading the other day, I ran across an article stating that Americans are becoming less religious. At first glance, that revelation seemingly goes against the values that our country has long held close to our hearts. We have been a proud Christian nation since our inception. The latest news […]

Dec 28

Standard & New Resolutions

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,462 views | Reading Time 3:27

New Years is around the corner… do you have your resolutions ready? Are there some burning issues in your heart and mind that you are waiting for January 1st to roll around to begin your journey towards achieving? Are your resolutions for the upcoming year much different than the ones you have routinely put forth […]

Dec 24

Christmas Feeling

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,197 views | Reading Time 3:28

Throughout this Christmas season, I thought to myself how much different Christmas feels this year. Not the day, but the season. How have you been feeling during the holidays? Have you felt as excited as you have in years gone by? Are you excited about the prospects of the upcoming year? Are you excited about […]

Dec 18

Makes Me Tick

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,256 views | Reading Time 2:42

What makes you tick? What really motivates you? Is there a single thing that you can specifically pin down as the ultimate factor which can turn your entire outlook on life around at any given moment? I would imagine that we can all whittle down our many motivators down to a single, shiny motivator which […]

Dec 16

Value Destruction

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,358 views | Reading Time 3:25

While reading Bill O’Reilly’s book “Culture Warrior,” I ran across a simple statement conjured up from O’Reilly’s mind which makes ultimate sense in an uncommon sense world, “To conquer a nation, destroy the values of its people.” Doesn’t that simplistic statement make absolute sense? How can a nation survive if the values it was formed […]

Dec 8

Devilish Money

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,452 views | Reading Time 2:34

At times in my life, I have thought that maybe, just maybe, all of the ideas about “how to make money utilizing the latest gimmick” had been mined and thoroughly beaten to a pulp. I’m not talking about new inventions or ideas, I’m talking about the “how to” books you see that continually appear on […]

Nov 21

Religion Infighting

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,380 views | Reading Time 2:33

When was the last time you had an actual “debate” involving religion? How did that work out for you? Probably just about as well as having a conversation about politics I would imagine… I would expect this from competing viewpoints because these issues are inherently volatile. However, what I am seeing more and more of […]

Nov 18

Deal Breaker Issue

by in Political Beefs | 2,592 views | Reading Time 3:14

Last week, our local metropolitan paper’s online site featured a “Letter to the Editor” which was titled “If you voted for Obama, you can’t call yourself Catholic.” I’m sure you know the general reaction from the readership as they commented for 16 pages worth of bickering. Half were deeply incensed and felt the need to […]

Nov 13

Conservative Agenda

by in Political Beefs | 2,652 views | Reading Time 3:27

Now that we understand the Liberal Agenda and the associated underlying policies, let’s take a look at the “competing” Conservative Agenda. We will focus upon the same five issues that were laid out during our discussion of the Liberal Agenda. Before we begin, I want to mention one thing… the Conservative Agenda does not equate […]