Posts Tagged ‘Cheap’

May 6

Stay at Home

by in Everyday Nonsense | 1,813 views | Reading Time 4:37

Ok, since yesterday’s article focused on a married couple living a normal American dream life and how they are continually falling deeper in debt, I left off with a question. Could the family be better off if only one adult worked? Like I said, I haven’t done the math, but I am very skeptical and […]

May 4

Economic Ineptitude

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,200 views | Reading Time 5:05

Since the economy has been playing for the spotlight the last few months, I figured I would chime in with a few cents worth of opinion. People are feeling the credit crunch, foreclosures are rising, food prices are soaring, gas of course is beyond comprehensible anymore, and people just do not have spare spending money […]

May 1

Corn Fuel

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,591 views | Reading Time 4:56

As we all know, with the continual increase of oil prices and as a result, gas prices, the media is pushing alternative fuel as a better way to go. Usually, you will run across this alternative fuel, Ethanol or better called E85, at rare filling stations. Yes, there are more pumps showing up, but they […]