by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,273 views | Reading Time 3:19
As I was driving through town, I noticed something in the distance gleaming in the morning sky. It was a gas station’s digital sign proudly displaying the figure $1.999 for a single gallon of gasoline. I had read that across the United States, there were some areas already below the $2.00 mark but our local […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 3,136 views | Reading Time 3:04
California… trying so hard to do things right. Recently, California passed a bill making texting while driving illegal and now we hear about a bill requiring restaurants to publicly display the calorie counts of their menu items. Once again, Governor Schwarzenegger signed into law a “feel good” law. As with the texting law, the new […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 3,716 views | Reading Time 5:06
Everyone has felt the pinch of the extreme energy costs in their wallets and budgets over the last few years and we have been inundated with theoretical new technologies that can help provide alternative power sources for our vehicles in an effort to de-emphasize our demand for foreign oil imports. Nothing new, just a new […]
by Robert in Product Rants | 4,114 views | Reading Time 4:51
If you happened to read through some of my past movie reviews, you may have noticed I rent movies from a local RedBox. What exactly is the RedBox? The RedBox is a DVD kiosk placed in a wide variety of locations throughout the United States allowing customers to rent newly released movies for one night […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,157 views | Reading Time 4:57
The other day, I found an intriguing thought/concept posted on Jeremy Zawodny’s personal blog. He poses a question regarding airlines and the concept of charging people ticket prices based upon their weight. Of course the concept was not held in high regards by the majority of his responders but is the theory behind the question […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,708 views | Reading Time 4:58
Yesterday, I ran across a simple article discussing a “movement,” as they described it, involving people living on less. To be more specific, they are trying to de-clutter their lives to less than 100 possessions. They cited a few advantages for living this way: helping the environment by consuming less, de-cluttered living is less stressful, […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,267 views | Reading Time 4:34
Whoa, another silly word. Today’s new word took me a few iterations to come up with something that you could pronounce out loud. Yes, sometimes it is difficult to come up with a brand new word. I mean, Webster’s has been around for a very long time and they pretty much cornered the market on […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,025 views | Reading Time 4:52
Since the Industrial Revolution, our world’s society has focused on being more efficient. Produce more products to serve larger quantities of people at a lower cost per part. We need to lower the cost of manufacturing to increase the profit margin per item. We need to create high volumes of goods to compensate for […]
by Robert in Product Rants | 3,229 views | Reading Time 4:35
How informed do you believe the customers are in this country? Do you believe we are well informed as a society on what we purchase? Do you think we are below average, adequately, or something else? My personal belief is that even with the Internet, we as a country are very poorly informed about our […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 1,887 views | Reading Time 3:23
Based on my last few articles, I want to visit an idea that could be a better proposition for people in our country. What does compound living mean? Is it similar to compounding interest? No. What I am referring to as compound living involves having a multi-tenant building built to serve the needs of several […]