by Robert in Book Reviews | 2,973 views | Reading Time 4:40
I just finished reading the book “ProBlogger” written by Darren Rowse and Chris Garrett. The book is written to help bloggers learn about the profession and determine if blogging is the right direction to pursue with their time. Darren and Chris have successful blogging businesses and they make their living writing, supporting, and commenting on […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,266 views | Reading Time 5:00
Today is a totally separate theme for an article. I have made up a new word however to keep that ball rolling. Milkmind is what I decided to write about today. Milk is a very useful source of vitamins and minerals that help us grow up to become healthy adults. It helps our bones grow […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,549 views | Reading Time 5:01
Let’s get another Political Beef started. I’m not sure how much you stay up to date on the latest political propaganda, but this week, a new book was released by a Bush administration member. I’m not going to talk about the book, or who it was about, or what the man has to say in […]
by Robert in Book Reviews | 4,434 views | Reading Time 3:20
Let’s go for a book review today. I just purchased the latest Jose Canseco book titled “Vindicated” and have been reading through it. It’s a follow up book to his first book, “Juiced: Wild Times, Rampant ‘Roids, Smash Hits, and How Baseball Got Big.” His first book was published in 2005, before the congressional Mitchell […]