by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,678 views | Reading Time 3:41
Taxes, we all abhor them, but we absolutely love to hear the words “Tax Cut.” Government, we shake in our boots at the thought of it growing even larger in our lives, but we love to hear the words “Universal Health Care, Social Security, and yes, even Welfare.” Rights, we love the idea that our […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 3,504 views | Reading Time 4:27
Barack Obama began his Presidential campaign with a singular message, Change. More specifically, Change We Can Believe In. His journey was founded upon portraying himself as the polar opposite of our current governmental strategy and position. He has publicly denounced the Republican Party’s stances and promises to make “things right.” Over the last year or […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 3,482 views | Reading Time 4:55
Search the internet for Presidential campaign news and you will immediately find many references coming from the Obama campaign about the “gimmicks” John McCain supports. Obama’s camp portrays McCain’s views on the energy crisis and potential offshore oil drilling as gimmicky. He believes that his opposition has no real answers to the issues. But of […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,566 views | Reading Time 5:02
Since the Iraq invasion in 2003, Americans and politicians alike have wondered when the war would be complete. Defeat was never an option or even a part of the equation. The war carried a predetermined fate of victory already achieved. Our resolve to protect freedom’s life and virtue in the dawn of a new age […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 3,390 views | Reading Time 5:00
Barack Obama has recently been touting that Americans can decrease our dependence upon oil by driving on correctly pressurized tires and also by up keeping our car via regular maintenance. Is it too good to be true? Or, is this just another scam such as the fuel additives that “increase” gas mileage and the like? […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 3,139 views | Reading Time 5:06
As always, I began my day yesterday surfing the news and ran across something provocative to write about. The New Yorker magazine published its latest issue with a “satirical” caricature on the front cover. If you haven’t heard or seen it yet, it’s a depiction of Barack Obama with his wife Michelle in an unappealing […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,321 views | Reading Time 5:16
Interesting title for today’s article isn’t it? What exactly does it mean? Well, I’m sure you can figure out that the two words are Conservative and Obama (meaning Barack of course). Whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican, I’m sure you’re wondering why those 2 words are placed together since they are in fact polar […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,566 views | Reading Time 4:55
Since yesterday’s article focused on the right to keep and bear arms, I am going to go one step farther and focus on the right to carry a concealed weapon. Currently, 48 of our 50 states allow some form of concealed carry for personal protection (Illinois and Wisconsin are the remaining two along with the […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,680 views | Reading Time 3:48
Are we ready for some Political Beef? I know it can be a polarizing subject, but this one isn’t going to be an article asking to choose a side in the sense of Democrat versus Republican. This particular beef is going to be about something that to me makes me want to pull my hair […]